Saturday, April 26, 2008

Reading blogs

So I was reading some of the blogs to which I subscribe, this evening, and got into this really difficult-to-understand entry (to me) explaining what's wrong with the Southern Baptist Convention.  My curiosity was aroused; I'm not a Baptist, so I was out of the loop.

Then I remembered my good friend in Texas, Frankye, who recently hosted a gathering of Internet friends (which I attended).  So I sent her the link to the blog entry.  She explained, in a nutshell, what was going on... from her viewpoint, of course.

And I thought how fortunate I am to know people with so many different viewpoints.  Each one ready to answer any question I might have.

Just one more little perk of being on the World Wide Web.



  1. I think it's great when people are open to learn of others beliefs.   SOmetimes it can get pretty touchy but if your adult like it all goes well ;)  Internet is sure great for that..that's for sure!  

  2. Yep. If you ever have questions about those wacky Catholics, I'm your gal. LOL

  3. It was an interesting article.  I appreciate the author's style of writing.  He obviously has given a lot of thought to his subject.  I'm not Baptist, either, but I like knowing what's going on in other religions.
