Friday, April 18, 2008


I got up around 4 A.M.  Once I had a cup of coffee in hand, I sat down at the kitchen table with my checkbook and proceeded to pay a couple of bills.  Suddenly I got the strangest feeling... like my house was moving!  Yes, the house was definitely moving.

"What's wrong with me," I wondered.  "Why do I feel like the floor is shaking?"

Funny how when something like that happens, the first thing I think is that something's wrong with me.  Seriously, I was afraid to get out of my chair for fear I was having some sort of dizzy spell or something.  Cliff slept right through it.  So did Sadie.

I turned on the TV, and they just confirmed what I suspected:  We had an earthquake.  In Missouri!  I only remember feeling an earthquake once before, back when my son was a baby.

Actually, I guess the actual earthquake was in Illinois... we just got some tremors from it.

We've received over an inch of rain.  Although it could possibly delay the delivery of our mobile home, I'm not going to complain about rainfall; not after the drought we experienced last year.

Because I hate to do an entry without any photo, I include this shot of the old Waterloo Store.  When we moved here in 1975, the store was still open for business, sort of a quaint convenience store. 


  1. Felt the tremor here in Ohio also.  Thought the cat was playing on the bed...
    but she was sleeping right beside me.  And a blessed good Friday to you, Donna !

  2. I am surprised that Sadie slept through the quake since dogs are so sensitive. I saw a picture of that on the news here. Glad that ya'll were safe. Helen

  3. The girls & I must have slept through it...we don't usually rise till about 6: or 7:am (don't go to bed till 2: or 3: am). Earthquake, weird huh?
    Have a good wkend.

  4. I read your link the the article. 5.4 is enough to shake you up, that's for sure! I'm glad you didn't have any damage and nobody got hurt.  
    You can send some rain over  my way....but KEEP the earthquake, ok? LOL!

  5. WOW not isn't that just weird!?  So glad nothing was broken or destroyed by you!  

  6. an earthquake in missouri that is strange?
    i live in oklahoma,and this is the first i've heard of it...

  7. We had an earthquake here last week!  a 4.something, I think.  I didn't feel it, but it was only 30ish minutes away from me...


  8. Earthquake!  Yikes!  I live in So California and have experienced them as far back as I can remember!  They STILL scare the shit out of me! lol  I hate them!  We haven't had a good shaker where I live in a few years.  We are due a good one!  I sit practically right on a fault (The San Andreas), so when an earthquake hits it hits hard!  I'm glad you were okay, but I did read where it caused a bit of damage, but no injuries in certain cities in Illinois.
    At least you don't live in the perpetual "Shake and Bake" state!  California! lol


  9. Mosie, earthquakes are pretty common here, that must have been a scary experience for you today, Hugs Lisa

  10. Me again, just wanted to post that quake was felt in Alabama. Not by me because I had already went back to bed and was asleep after waking and staying awake for a couple of hours but our DIL's Dad is in the hospital here from a heart attack and had a bad spell this morning and they were doing an EKG on him when this happened. The nurses told him he was going to have to be still to take it then they realized it was not him moving but what was happening. They had to do the EKG over since it messed it up. Helen

  11. We had a small one several years back here. I had never experienced one before and thought something was wrong with ME! you said, later the news said what it was. Its a weird feeling though isnt it.

  12. I understand people near me felt something, but I do know that I had a lot of trouble sleeping that night! I didn't feel anything, though - I have felt it before. Of course, with this inner ear fluid, I am always feeling like I am moving, so maybe I just missed it.

