Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I went out and sat on a dirtpile in what will soon be my back yard.  I went at sunrise, then several times during the day; and finally, at sunset.

I discovered a wonderful thing:  I'm going to be able to watch the sun rise and set, sitting in my own back yard.

I can't wait.

Now playing: Eliza Gilkyson - Welcome Back
via FoxyTunes   


  1. I will be so glad for you and Cliff when you get it set up. Helen

  2. I love a good sunrise or sunset.  I have thought for years, and can't yet figure out which is best!

  3. It will be wonderful for you !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. I am so feeling your exitement.  I love the progress photos.  Who will move the furniture from old house to new house?   Vicki

  5. That is one thing I can see here that I couldnt see at the old house. I cherish every sunrise and sunset I see. When we would go to the beach in Florida I was always the first one up to watch that sun come up over the water. I never get tired of seeing it. I hope you and Cliff see many sunrises and sunsets together at your new place. :) Kelly

  6. Since we moved here to the country we can NOW finally start enjoying the sunrise while sitting on our couch!  It's just SO awesome!  I bet you can't wait!

  7. That will be wonderful :-)

