Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Peanut days!

Although we've had our white Honda Gold Wing since last December, we had never gone to the license bureau and had it transferred to our names, and gotten a license.  We were driving it around with Cliff's cousin's tags.  Of course, with the bitter winter we've had, our rides have been few and far between.

Cliff got it inspected Saturday while I was in Dallas, and today we went to pay the taxes and get a legal license plate.  Since we'd been in Kansas City, North, paying for our mobile home (yes, it's ours, even though it won't be here for awhile) we came home by way of Richmond.  There's a license bureau in the Orschlen store over there.  Orscheln's is a place where you can buy cattle feed, garden seeds, horse tack, baby chicks... in other words, all things country.

I was happy to see we had walked in during Peanut Days.  You help yourself to peanuts and let the shells fall on the floor.  There's something delightful about being able to do that.

Help yourself, they're free!  When our kids were small, we loaded up our pockets during Peanut Days.  I know, how tacky.  It's just that I go crazy at the word "free".

Peanut shells all over the floor.  It makes me feel like a true free spirit!
Now playing: Kitty Wells & Red Foley - Just Call Me Lonesome
via FoxyTunes   


  1. LOL.....wonder how long Peanut Days will last once someone slips on the peanut shells and 'sues' the store.....only in America !

  2. Well...I never!  Around these parts, at best, you can find a rustic bar that lets you shuck peanut shells on the floor. But never a market!

  3. Good for you two getting the home. You have to go to special building here to do all that legal stuff. I have heard of people throwing peanut hulls on floors of bars but never in any other place of business. Helen

  4. Even your music was "country" for this entry.  The steak restaurants around here had to stop the "shells on the floor" for insurance purposes.  How sad!

  5. Congrats on your new home!  I'm so happy for you both!  (& think about those closets)

    I love the peanut days!  That's so COOL!


  6. We like to eat those peanuts in the shell when we are outside in the summertime...then the shells can go wherever.   They do taste so good!  Congrats on the new home purchase.  It won't be long now....'On ya' - ma

  7. Mo. we had what we called a General Store in a town 7 miles away from my old home town. You could buy anything from farm implements to groceries, to clothing.
    Congrats to you and Cliff on your new home!!!! I know you will enjoy the air in the summer. Take care and God bless you and yours

  8. I've eaten at a couple of restaurants tha keep peanuts on the table and let you throw the shells on the floor.  I had the same kind of free feeling when I did that, LOL.  Glad the dream of the new home is coming to be a reality.  I know you must be anxious for it to be done now that the wheels are in motion.

  9. Peanut shells on the floor must be a "new trend" as they do that here too in some restaurants.  It's fun!  Did they have boiled peanuts!?  

  10. I MISS peanut days.  *sigh*  What fun.

  11. That looks like fun!  Too bad Tractor Supply doesn't do that!  Linda

  12. We have an Orscheln's in our county, too -- been here for about four years now, and I'd never heard of it before they moved in.  I wonder if they're having Peanut Days too!

  13. It's nice to not have to worry about being the one to clean up, isn't it?

