Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sadie loves to take a walk with us

I mention often how hyperactive my dog, Sadie, is.  I can't turn her loose outside because at the first sight of another dog, she's gone.  I can't bear the thought of losing another pet on the highway.

So the highlight of her day, the thing she lives for, is our daily walk in the pasture.  She gets to run free out there; she's even allowed to run off for a little while, chasing rabbits or deer or ghosts. 

We try never to say the word "walk" around her, and I took a little video to show you why.

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  1. I am roaring!  For two reasons -- Sadie is a hoot!  And you are suffering from cabin fever!  LOL  ....

  2. That is so funny. She lest you know loud and clear what she wants LOL. Helen

  3. how sweet..she must love to be outdoors.

  4. haaaaahahaha....that is too cute.  "Don't toy with me, mom!!!"

    I don't say 'the W word' around here, either.


  5. Oh gosh...I laughed then I cried.  Suddenly Sadie reminded me of my old dog, Princess.  She's been gone many years, but she was the best dog my family ever had.  My husband doesn't like dogs, so it's pretty unlikely my boys will grow up with anything other than rodents, fish or cats in this house.

  6. That was hilarious!  Thanks for showing us this.  She definitely loves to take a walk with you.  I enjoyed this so!!!!!!


  7. Oh that was good !  I did get a ***BIG SMILE*** from your Sadie  today.  Hope you all enjoyed every moment of it.  'On Ya' - ma

  8. The word we can't say is OUT.  She loves her walks, but just wants to get out several times a day!  And then barks, like a doorbell, when she wants to get back in.  LaVern

  9. Awwww too cute!!!!!!!  Brownie and Maggie whine sometimes around other dogs.... and Maggie gets very aggressive sometimes.  Hugs,

  10. Sadie gives a whole new name to "hyperactivity" LOL...Hugs...Ora

  11. What a cutie.  I played the video and and my little Gloriebelle Jumped off the couch and came to see where the barking was coming from.  That was kinda the highlight of her lazy day.  I think she has slept most of her Sunday away.  

  12. Hey, I just found your journal and thought I would stop by and introduce myself :) Sadie is adorable! That video is just too cute!

  13. My dogs started barking like crazy hearing Sadie! lol  She is a cutie.  My dogs so that when I ask them if the have to go outside.  

  14. awww Mosie.....that is soooo sweet . Sadie can talk to you !! I have to be careful what words I say around my dogs too, cause they know what some of them mean.Really cute video!!


  15. Kinda like how we can't say "Grandma's" in front of Hawkeye!

  16. Oh how precious ~ That's kinda how hubby acts when you mention dinner! Have a wonderful week,

  17. LOL!  You big teaser you! lol  Take that girl for a walk!!


  18. I think she is telling you how wonderful you are to take her outside.  

  19. OH Donna! I was laughing my head off at this! That was GREAT! Tip gets very excited when I get her harness out, she knows we are going walking and gets so excited too, you cant help but smile at how enthusiastic dogs are at anything and everything, life, in general! Dogs really know how to LIVE! :)

  20. That's adorable. We can't say the word "TREAT" in front of our Italian grayhound! Our other new addition, a Beagle pup, hasn't learned the word treat yet, but knows the sounds of the plastic container we keep the treats in.

    Thanks for sharing

  21. What a HOOT !! Our Penny (Miniature Pinscher) knows how to 'spell'...ROFL !!
    We spell "E-A-T" or "F-O-O-D"  and she goes crazy like Sadie. Animals are such a blessing.

  22. That was so cute!!  Poor baby!  I hope she got a good walk after all of that.  She earned it!
    My sister's dog knows the word biscuit, and she knows when you spell biscuit.  You can say "Do you want a b-i-s-c-u-i-t?", and she'll run to the kitchen and bark at the container of dog biscuits!

  23. HURRY UP!!  I'll be that is what she is saying!  How cute-she does love her walks.  My older dog Randy acts like that when you say the word "snausages"-he knows he is going to get fed!

  24. Does she know how to spell?


  25. Hello,
    Sadie could very well be Hershey or Yager if I say the word "walk"....LOL. Hershey will go and take his leash off the hook in the hallway, kind of like yours.
    Too Funny!


  26. Isn't it funny how fast dogs learn that word! LOL!
    Cute video. I hope you both enjoyed the walk.

  27. Looks like Pickles when she wants to go out. She thankfully doesn't bark, being a working dog that would be bad. It takes a little while to get your snow boots on hat, gloves to go out. Pickles was acting impatient and I told her as soon as I find the leash we can go out. I turn around and there is the leash in her mouth waiting on me. (Hugs) Indigo

  28. Hi, Your blog is the first one I have ever read and I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed it.  I especially enjoyed the movie of Sadie, to funny.  She would fit right in with our 2 girls(dogs).  I also enjoyed the old advertisesments.  Thanks for taking the time to share.
