Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chicken Cacciatore

Usually the only way I buy chicken is the leg-quarters in those ten-pound bags.  I'm cheap, and that's the best bargain on meat anywhere.  When I get it home, I divide it three ways and freeze it in three-pound portions.  I thawed one of those yesterday thinking I'd make my low-fat version of Chicken gumbo.

Today I realized I have no sweet peppers in the house.  I'm sure the dish would be fine without them, but I don't like leaving out an ingredient.  In fact, it seemed as though every chicken dish I make regularly requires sweet peppers.

So I started leafing through one of my Better Homes and Gardens cookbooks and noticed I had all the ingredients required for Chicken Cacciatore.  I've never tasted it, much less made it, but I figured what the heck, go for it. 

I told Cliff, "I don't know how dinner will be; it's something I've never had.  Says here you serve it on spaghetti."

"Heck, bring it on," says he.  "Anything on spaghetti is bound to be good."

I must say I tasted the sauce a while ago, and it was yummy

This isn't one of my low-fat recipes, but it doesn't appear to be too loaded with bad stuff.

We'll see how it tastes. 


  1. I have made the recipe before and it is good !  Enjoy.  I'm having chicken and rice soup for lunch and don't know about supper yet.  Anything warm will do.
    'On Ya' - ma

  2. We love chicken cacciatore here!  I don't know why I don't make it more often....


  3. I've never had that either.  I've heard of it though.  Let us know what you both think of it.


  4. The first time I heard the name of this dish as a kid, I thought they said "Chicken Ketschuptori"...ewwww

  5. Oh, I do hope you enjoyed it!  I used to make mine with the chicken bone in ... now I make it with boneless chicken (easier to eat).  Yummy!

  6. Anything you make sounds delicious and the postings of pictures of the things you have cooked always look so yummy.

  7. Chicken Cacciatore is gooood stuff!!!!

  8. How was it?  I have made it but not in years.  Vicki

  9. I like Chicken caccitorrie or however you spell it!  :)

  10. I love making that. I use my crock pot to make it.

  11. Sounds like a great meal!!!  Hope it turned out yummy!
