Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dag-nabbed cats!

The daughter is out of town on a business trip, so yesterday and today I'm here to make sure the granddaughters get up and off to school.  I blogged about their cats yesterday over at Blogspot, and mentioned how one of them decided to use my coat as a bed.  Cliff, by the way, kindly pointed out later during our morning walk that I had cat-hair all over me.

This morning I knew better than to lay my coat on the couch; after all, couches are where the cats like to relax, and I wasn't going to deprive the kitties of their comfort.  Nope, not me.  I tossed my coat on a table in the family room.  A nice, hard table.

So after getting the girls awake and all, I came in here to use the computer.  Lo and behold, the lady cat had found my coat on the table and was curled up on it licking herself happily.  ACK!!!! 

My coat now hangs on a door-handle.  Let's see them use my coat for a bed there.

I've been going through The Country Doctor's Wife's archives and found her singing a song she wrote for her kids in one entry.  She plays guitar quite nicely, much better than my thump-thump-thumping.  If you'd like to listen, click HERE.


  1. Oh cats!  The bane of our existence.  The joy of laughter.  lol

  2. Hopefully the cats won't claw your coat off that doorknob for a bed. The Dr's wife does very good on her singing and playing. Helen

  3. Awwww... They wuv you! <snicker>

  4. Aww that is cute...most cats do love laying in a warm coat.  Ours are always finding coats laying around lol  The kitten just the other day, was in my sleeve! I picked up my coat and out falls the kitten!   Just be thankful they don't pee in them!! lol  

  5. Better they use it for a bed than a toilet.


  6. Cat hair cat hair, everywhere, on the walls, on the clean laundry, on coats, on the furniture, it covers the house...or it did, many moons ago. Hated it. Did you know that cat hair will float off the cat and actually stick to walls? I am here to tell you it does. ACK is right!

  7. cats seem to rule the roast so to speak LOL...I love cats...dogs too....kids sometimes LOL....if the wind is blowing as hard around you as here....just hang the coat outside....the hairs will fly...awayyyyyyyyy LOL...hugs...Ora

  8. I love my kitties...evidently your daughter's love you.  LOL   Rechelle did very good on the song & guitar playing.


  9. So funny how cats will find the very thing you don't want them to.  

  10. I loved that video.  She is really good!
    If there is a way that one of the cats can lay on your coat while it's hanging on a doorknob, they will find it!

  11. Mosie, you made me laugh about that cat finding your coat on the table and all the cat hair.  Funny.  Sometimes I wish my cat would find someone else to lay on.  He always wants to get in my lap.....hairball. I wonder why he can't find some monitor to lay on like other cats I read about.  

  12. My Buddy is white, he sleeps on anything on mine he can find. Pat said that we need to change what color we wear now! LOL
