Saturday, January 12, 2008

Libby is home

I don't know if Libby learned anything while she was gone.  I paid the fee to the "trainer".  If it was wasted, so be it.  Meanwhile, Libby was obviously glad to be home, and I'm glad to have her here.  So is her buddy, Blue.

If I seem a bit bummed out, I am.

We got word that Cliff's oldest sister's husband has found himself another woman, so their marriage of 28 years is about to end.

On a brighter note, I went out before noon on Blue and got in over an hour of riding.  I rode to the local graveyard to see the damage done by vandals to several tombstones.  Very sad; why do people think such nonsense is fun?

The wind switched to the north before I got home and turned my nose and toes into ice cubes; still, it was a good hour-long ride.

Yes, I'm bummed out.  But I'm still blessed.


  1. If you count the blessings of each day you can't go wrong...and I think you did do just that.  I bet your Libby is wondering what happened but is glad to be home.  
    'On Ya' - ma

  2. Let us know how Libby does.  I know Blue is glad that she's back.  I'm sorry about Cliff's sister's marriage.  I don't understand why anyone would want to throw any 28 years worth of marriage.  We've been married almost 21 years, & I couldn't imagine giving up on my marriage.  I'll be praying for her.  I can't understand why anyone would vandalize a cemetery!  I'd be afraid that God would strike me dead on the spot.  I'm glad that you got a ride in on Blue.  I'll be thinking about you......just be there for Cliff's sister.


  3. Sorry to hear about that-always hate to hear of a marriage breaking up.  

    I'm glad you got to do something you enjoyed today!  I went and visited my Dad earlier and we had a nice talk and on the way home I felt blessed about that-thinking if nothing else good happens today it was a good day just for that reason.  

    Here is to feeling blessed :)  Jeff

  4. I have been wondering how Libby was doing. That is sad about Cliff's sister's husband. Glad that you got in a ride today. I wonder why people vandalize graveyards or churches. Yes, you are blessed about a lot of things. Helen

  5. It's always sad when a marriage breaks up -- in part because we enter into the promise with joy and enthusiasm and hope.... a shame, really.

    Glad Libby is home and Blue was able to give you a good, if cold ride today!

  6. Wow. Unbelievable.

  7. Ugh. 28 years and he throws it all away. Tragic!  My condolences to your SIL.  Then again, if he can do something like this to her after so long, she is probably better off without him.  Time for her to hit one of those over-50 singles cruises.  We keep trying to get my MIL back out there for some fun.  It doesn't matter what your age, it's nicer to have a companion than to be alone, in my humble opinion.  Good luck to her!  

  8. So sorry!  My heart aches for the situation...Yes it is a bummer!  Some things and some people are just beyond understanding.

  9. aww Donna...bummer about Cliff's sister situation...always sad when marriage of that many years doesn't hold out!!!  but I am glad you have Libby back...and that you got a nice ride in...God Bless you and Cliff....hugs...Ora

  10. That was a mix of good and bad! I hope Libby shows off some better behavior for you :-)


  11. I often wonder what men thing when they decide to go off and find a new women!  In 2 yrs it's going to be the same kind of marriage so why waste THAT many years to have a few months of Newness?????  GRRR MEN!  Sorry to hear that.   Glad libby is all trained and ready to go ;)  

  12. I am so sorry to hear about Cliff's sister's situation.  That is just heart breaking news.  I don't blame you for feeling down.    
    Welcome home to Libby.
    Yes, we are blessed, even when things are tough.  

  13. BUMMED OUT ... you were just at one funeral; a divorce is also like a death.  Maybe the trip to the cemetery brought that back to mind ... also ... thinking of the destruction of those important tombstones.  The horseback ride was just what you needed, tho!

  14. Mid life crisis I guess, dont know really. It is sad to hear it, thats a long time to be married and leave the comfort of all those years past together. I dont understand it at all. Glad to hear Libby is back home, I know she is glad too!

  15. Sorry you're feeling bummed.  I know you're glad that Libby is home, and I hope that she did learn something.  It would be a shame if she didn't.  Sorry about your SIL's husband.  I hate when things like that happen.  It affects the whole family.  Take care!
