Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Plastic in the wind

Our temperatures are dropping, and the wind is still terrible.  We keep finding trash in our pasture and yard that's blowing over from the neighbor's house construction site, and this morning we had some fun with the horses with some trash.

Some of the pictures are a little blurry, and some were so bad I had to delete them entirely; Pioneer Woman I'm not.  But hopefully you'll get some enjoyment out of the horses' antics.

Some of my longtime readers will no doubt remember Buddy, the neighbor's dog who was best friends with Mandy, my dear departed doggie.  When we first brought Sadie home from the shelter, Buddy presented a problem because he'd lead Sadie away from us, and Sadie wouldn't come back until she was good and ready.  Which left me frantic with worry that she might have gotten to the highway and been hit by a car, like Mandy.

These days Sadie has had her fill of Buddy, and try as he might to lure her, she no longer follows him away; he has to do his roving alone.

Anyway, Buddy was hunting in the woods this morning, and I got a couple of pictures for those of you who remember him.


  1. I am on Long Island ( at the bottom of N.Y. state) . We usally get the weather a few days after you.  It is 45 here today and sunny so I guess I had better enjoy it now.   Connie

  2. Our temps are dropping too and school was canceled because of the snow on the way and the temps dropping so quickly and it had just been raining on top of it.  I should have just kept my son home today like I was going to.  NOW hubby has to come home early since we live 1/2 hour away from town.  
    You should have video taped the horses! lol  That was cute.  

  3. Buddy!!!  I often wondered about him!!!  :-D

    a wild mustang herd you've got, huh?!  hee hee...  It looks so beautiful when horses run....


  4. I think your wind will be headed our way later today... so the weather man says and it will also get very cold and snowy too. I enjoyed all your pictures. The horses got some exercise today and a little change of pace which is always good isn't it.

  5. The wind blew some of our siding off the house this morning.  That spooked my beagle when I let him out this morning.  'On Ya' - ma

  6. That is so funny!  I laughed out loud at the pic of Sadie with that big stick in her mouth!  I do remember Buddy too...me thinks he would make a good hunting dog.  When do those fancy mushrooms start poping up?

    Your plastic reminded me of the other day...Michael had shooting practice and brought home the black piece of paper he shot at...it is the silouette of a man and it was full of holes.  He was proud of his markmanship and brought it home for us to marvel over.  He set it down on a chair and when I turned on the ceiling fan it started to move and Princess freaked out..similar to your horses.  Was a good laugh.

  7. I love when something starts the horses running. Especially when they stop and snort at it. Then, heads and tails high they run. Nothing prettier, although they seem to prefer just hanging out by the hay <LOL>

  8. Thanks for the pictures.  They are funny.


  9. I just love all the land that you have for the animals to run on.  I would be elated to have that much room.  We live on a street in a regular neighborhood.  I think our lot is 160 feet by 60 across the front.  And THAT is getting too much to take care of.

  10. I like your pictures too!  Linda

  11. Oh my gosh, real 'down on the farm' entertainment! The horses got some exercise too.  LOL

  12. We've got those winds tonight!!!  Stay warm and safe and don't blow away!!  many hugs,

  13. I remember Buddy. I wondered what happened to that dog. I had noticed that Sadie wasn't playing with him.
    I loved the pics. I wonder why that plastic sheet spooks them so much. What do they think it is?? They sure do RUN to get away, don't they? LOL!
    And good ol' Sadie is just out there to have fun as always LOL!
    Have a good day tomorrow.

  14. I remember Buddy, too.  I enjoyed the pics.  We had some very bad, high winds last night, too.
