Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Wednesday Diet report

I finally got below 160 while spending nights in the hospital with Cliff.  Today I'm 157 and 1/2.  Ten more pounds of loss would be perfect!  I've lost 30 1/2 pounds total.

Now for Cliff.  He went into the hospital weighing 237 pounds, which was a 40-pound loss since December.  Yesterday morning he weighed 227!  This morning I was a little concerned because he weighed 230, and we were told to report a gain of more than two pounds in 24 hours; however, I couldn't detect any edema in his ankles, and I knew the visiting nurse would be here.  She pronounced his lungs clear, and no edema in evidence.  Swollen ankles and labored breathing could be indications of congestive heart failure.

I had some cause for concern yesterday, too:  Cliff was getting dizzy every time he got up from a sitting position.  It didn't take me long to remember that this is a sign of low blood pressure; sure enough, we checked, and his blood pressure was 90 over 65.  I called the heart doctor's office, and they told me to quit giving him one of the pills he was taking.  His blood pressure is still pretty low today (110/65) but at least he isn't dizzy.

The home health nurse said Cliff looks great, his incisions are doing well, and she saw no reason to return unless we wanted her here again; we agreed.


  1. Sounds like you two have things under control...and yes...after the body has been jolted like Cliff's recently...these little episodes will occur...just things getting back to as normal as possibley can be....God Bless...Hugs from KY....Ora   PS..great news of the diet...

  2. hi Donna.. wow.. everything is coming up roses!  sorry cliff was dizzy.. it takes a little time to stablize things after what his body has been through.. but it all sounds good!!  keep taking care of each other!!

  3. Good job you two. You can tell the diet fairy that I'm down 3 since I visited.  Keep up the good work.

    Love and smooches,


  4. Glad that you two have lost a lot of weight. That is great that Cliff's B/p is better this afternoon. That was a good report from the home health nurse. Helen

  5. Congrats on the weight loss!!  Sounds like Cliff is doing GREAT!  It'll take a while to figure out his meds.  His BP is good now.  He's a strong man!  His body just went thru such a trauma and he's up and running...well, walking.  He'll be running soon though.  Pretty soon he'll be back climbing up your hill and building that addition!  What a blessing!!
    Love to you both,

  6. Withthe increase in blood flow his BP is improing! 110/65 is terrificWtg on the weight loss!.

  7. Way to go!  It's good to see Cliff's BP numbers improving -- as you are well aware!

  8. I'm very happy Cliff is improving. It will take time. Good for you on the weight loss.

  9. my mom had that surgery 25 years ago and is are taking good care of him

  10. You do have to be careful about the whole sudden weight gain... make sure your scale is very accurate meaning check yourself on it and make sure it doesn't fluctuate 2 lbs every couple of days.. so you know you'll be getting an accurate reading and sometimes the fluid does not always go to the legs and or /ankle area.. it goes first to the abdomen.,, My grandfather after his quintuple bypass had all kinds of fluid problems.. which in turn was caused by the kidneys failing... and they also told us to watch his weight gain and the whole 24 hr thing.. sometimes he had to be put on the diuretic and then taken off of it like a see saw.. Keep an eye on Cliff .. but perhaps he gained two pounds just by eating more since being home.. so .. don't worry too much.. :) Mel

  11. Spending time in a hospital, either as a patient or a visitor, will definitely take a few pounds off! I speak (or rather, write) from experience. I'd rather do it another way, but whatever works. . .so, congratulations on the weight loss anyway (not that I could see you needed to lose any!)!

  12. All in all, Donna, Cliff appears to be doing well.  And, darned if you aren't the best nurse around!  It's so wonderful that he has you!  You are staying right on top of everything for him!

    I continue to keep Cliff in my prayers, that he grow stronger everyday, and is able to get back to doing the things he loves!

