Monday, May 1, 2006

photos of our day

I can't say I've accomplished a lot today, except for educating myself some more on sodium content of foods, and cooking meals.  I follow Cliff around a lot, making sure he doesn't do anything he shouldn't.

Thanks to Travis and Tyler, we got the heifer calves loaded with no strain on Cliff; his brother, Phil, hitched up to the trailer and took them away. 

While taking my regular walk this morning, I heard a deep, throaty growl in the woods near the path, the sort of growl you don't want to hear from a dog because it means business.  Right after the growl I heard some baby yip-yip-yips... then another growl, then more yips.  My guess is that a mother coyote saw me and Sadie, and was forcing her babies to safety against their will.


  1. Great pictures!  Nice to see that there's some 'normal' back in life.

  2. You had an interesting day today... They sure do have a lot to do with that burned out house don't they. It's nice to get help when you need it too with the calfs and it's really nice Cliffs co workers come and talk to him but then I bet they do miss him at work too. Hope you are finding the cooking is going easy and it still tastes good too.

  3. Loved the pictures!  Cliff sure looks great!  Looks like he'd never even had the surgery.  Glad you are getting so much help around the farm.
    How scary to hear that growl!!  YIKES!!  What did Sadie do?
    Love to you,

  4. Good to see Cliff up and around the place and good to see the girls back there.  I know he is.

    Have fun you guys.


  5. Glad Cliff is still doing good. That is great that the neighbors are giving a helping hand with things. Buddy looks cute peeking around the door. Hope Sadie gets that mole. if not your yard will be all dug up LOL. That growl you heard this morning would make the hair stand up on the back of my head. Have a good night. Helen

  6. Glad to see that things are becoming "normal"...whatever that seems to be....LOL...and it is good that Cliff wants to get out and move about...I am sure he knows his limits just now...good luck with the cooking lessons.....Hugs...Ora

  7. I bet the girls are glad to be back! Cliff looks so great. He has some great friends!

  8. Cliff looks great.

  9. I am glad life is going the way it should!

  10. I hope things are getting back to normal. How dare buddy pee there, lol.  Great pictures.

  11. Looks like a fine day. Cliff looks great and seems happy to have all his good friends and family around. What a blessing.

  12. These are wonderful pictures.  I am so glad to see things getting back to normal for you.  Our prayers continue.  In Him, Penny

  13. Absolutely wonderful! Barbara

  14.   How great that things are getting better; "Into each life, a little rain must fall".
      It cheers your readers up to see the support group you have around you!  Thanks for all the pictures.
      I'll be following your dietary research ... when you start reading labels ... it can be a real shocker as to what is really in our favorite foods!

  15. You accomplished plenty!!! Stay on him Mosie, make sure he does as he should!
    He looks good!
    love ya,

  16. I hope Cliff is getting better. Sending you loving thoughts, Marti

  17. Love the pictures.. and the kittens are too cute! :) Mel
