Tuesday, May 16, 2006

horses and haircuts

Jessica is teaching her friend, Kylene, to ride; she rode Tude a couple of days ago, her first horseback ride ever.  Adam and Jessica are horse-shopping, trying to find one for Jessica so they can ride together.  So we may soon be getting another horse in the pasture.

I made appointments for me and Cliff at Connie's Beauty Shoppe this morning.  But I got so interested in watching Kylene riding my horse, I forgot all about it.  Cliff hollered from the shop, "When is our appointment?"

"Oh no!  4 o'clock.... what time is it?"

"It's five after four."

I do hate to be late, almost more than anything.  We jumped in the car and got to Connie's 10 minutes late.  Bless her heart, she's so fast that she had us both done in 25 minutes, so her next appointment only had to wait an extra five minutes.  Whew.


  1. I hope jessica is able to find a just the right horse for her to ride.  It's great for the kids to get interested in horses.  Much better than hanging out in front of a tv.  Cliff's hair cut looks good!

  2. Looks like the girls had fun and Cliff is looking great!  Linda

  3. I hate being late too!

  4. I'm glad you guys ended up not being that late.

  5. We didn't get to see a picture of YOUR haircut.

  6. how fun to watch her ride I bet. Hope the hair looks nice.
