Thursday, May 11, 2006

helpful people

There are things that, left undone, drive Cliff nuts:  The yard that needs mowing, the brush in the pasture taking over, the hay being ready to cut when weather won't cooperate, the dry lot growing up in weeds, a huge wash in the driveway.  This is where friends and neighbors save his sanity.  Tyler and Travis, the fifteen-year-old home-schooled twins next door, do any lifting, tugging, mowing, or hauling-things-off that needs done.  Any friend or relative who drops by can also be enlisted for help.  Last weekend my son-in-law, Kevin, and my grandson Brett and his friend, moved a stretch of electric fence over, preparing for mowing of our alfalfa.

Cliff still isn't supposed to lift over five pounds.  He can ride on the riding mower, but not the tractor.  Why?  Because he'd have to pull himself up onto the tractor, which could rip the wires that are holding his chest together right now.  We are blessed with a couple of neighbor boys whose grandfather in the city practically let them cut their teeth on lawn mowers and garden tractors.  When they met Cliff, he honed and improved the skills they already possessed.  It would appear that God sent the boys into our lives for such a time as this.  Oh, they benefit from the association:  Any time they have a project that needs some welding, or a tire to be aired up... whenever they're doing something that is better done in a well-equipped shop... they have Cliff's equipment and tools to work with, as well as his guidance and advice.  Other neighbor boys can be enlisted for help too, when needed.

On another subject:  I took a long, long ride along the river bottom on Blue yesterday, and realized the terrible truth:  My horse is too fat, to the point where he could founder if I don't do something about it.  So he is now on dry lot, and will be turned out for only an hour or two, twice a day.  I feel sorry for him, but it's for his own good.  He certainly didn't act like he was out of shape, though.  He had all kinds of energy for the 1 1/2 hours I rode him.


  1. Cliff is looking good!  My boyfriend had to go in for his 2 day stress test and if the results are good, he won't need a catheritization this year.  

  2. wow 50 pounds that's awesome. It sounds like you have such wonderful neighbors always helping as with your family. That is great.  Awww poor blue.

  3. I think that this is one of the reasons homeschooling works so well...the boys benefit from his wisdom, and he benefits from their labor...a win-win situation.:-)  My girls do a lot over at the next door neighbors house--and she teaches them how to make great Greek food...

  4. You guys are blessed to have such good people in your life.  Have a good Thursday!

  5. It seems that friends and "helpers" pop up when needed...and I am sure the parents of these young folks appreciate what you are doing for their off spring....keeps them busy....happy...and out of trouble....God Bless....Hugs from Ky...Ora

  6. I'm glad your neighbor boys are there in this time or need.  I'm sure they feellike they are getting the better part of the deal when they use Cliff's shop for their projects.  I never knew a hosre could founder because it is over weight.  I'm glad you're getting some riding time again.

  7. You are very fortunate to have so much help.  Glad you got to ride - I know it's good exercise for both you and the horse.  I'm so glad the nice weather has come and we can get outside more.  'On Ya' - ma

  8. WEll somebody put me in a dry lot because I think I foundered a few years ago, although I am full of energy too.haaaaaaaaaaa   Thank God for good neighbors and good boys.   Anne

  9. Cliff looks great!!  I'm sure he's enjoying all the company and help he's getting. You are so fortunate to have people around to help.  You know those boys LOVE driving that tractor!!  I know I would!!  
    Poor Blue.  Maybe you and he will enjoy more rides and exercise.           Have a good day!

  10. How great to have help next door. The boys looked liked they enjoyed helping too.

  11. Those boys sure are a blessing to Cliff. That is good that you had a good ride on Blue. Great pictures. I love the iris. Cliff is looking good. Helen

  12. You have wondefful neighbors. I always said you have to be a neighbor to have a neighbor. It is as clear as the nose of my face that yall have been good neighbors!

  13. What's a neighbor?  I couldn't tell you who lives next door to me, and they are RIGHT next door.  I stay too much to myself.. Not a good thing I guess..

    I'm glad Cliff has the help he needs, and that your neighbors don't hesitate to lend a helping hand!

