Monday, May 8, 2006

And on another happy note.....

OK, remember the killer drug I was worrying about?  The one with dozens of possible side effects? 

I called Midwest Cardiology this morning and left a message for the nurse, telling her we weren't really comfortable with Cliff taking that drug, especially such a high dose (400 mg). 

We just got a phone call:  The nurse had discussed the situation with the doctor, and he reduced the dose by half.  Cliff will now take one pill, rather than two.  And if he's doing OK at his first visit with them in a month, they'll take it away entirely.

Folks, I was ready to do battle.  I didn't think they'd take my interfering well at all.

This whole experience has shown me that  not only are doctors human, but some of them are pretty darned nice, reasonable people.

I'm still in shock.  They actually LISTENED to me!


  1. Some doctors actually get ill and have to take medication and have surgery themselves. It makes for a good doctor I may add.  IF you have one that doesn't listen...............change doctors.   My doctor is here for a visit and came down with the flu last night.   YUCK.  Looks like it is a popsicle and soup night.    Anne

  2. Good for you taking a stand and good for Cliff getting a reduced dosage. I know you feel more comfortable with that answer. Helen

  3. I'm glad you got their attention and they are listening to you.  Maybe he'll be off of it soon.  Just can't stop that stuff.  Gotta kind of "wean" it out of the system.
    Glad Cliff is driving too!  That'll give him a better sense of getting well.  
    Take care.....Pamela

  4. I'm glad they listened to your concerns.

  5. Give 'em hell Harry!.. errrr, i mean way to go Donna! lol  

  6. you go girl, alright I'm happy they cut down the dose.

  7. Good for you.... Cliff is one lucky man


  8. And they WILL listen when you are reasonable and not hysterical....and we know you have your feet on solid hysteria here!  Now we see where Rachel gets her warrior genes.  Pioneer stock all the way!!

  9. So very glad Cliff got sucha glowing report and that you got the answers and action you needed.  -  Barbara

  10. Of course they listened.
