Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The hay has been mowed (mown????)

The pictures tell the story of another busy day for Cliff.

He's already getting bored with cardiac therapy, and probably won't stick it out for a month.

Tomorrow I go sign up for social security. 

Never a dull moment.


  1. WOW ! Awesome buncha folks around you ! Looks like things are on the move down on the farm. Glad to see Cliif up and 'doin', as long as he don't DO too much. You kids take the updates.  Nance and Bill in CA

  2. How wonderful that the work got done already! and that window sure does look nice!  I will pray for good weather for you now so the rest can get finished the way its supposed to. Sandra

  3. That is great! Get him to stick it out!
    Social security? Ur not old enough!

  4. You are so blessed to have so many people to help.  The window looks great, too!  I bet Ryan hasn't been off that motorbike much since the tire was fixed!! LOL!  I can picture him buzzing around all day long!

  5. Amen !  Thank the good Lord for such wonderful relatives and friends !  I know Cliff is probably relieved that it's done !  I so wish I was joining you int he SS sign up - how great it sounds, but....I still gotta work so...there we are...Good for you though!  'On Ya' - ma

  6. Great news!
    God Bless,

  7. Glad they got the hay all cut. I see they got that flat fixed on the dirt bike. Hope you get your signing up done quick and don't have wait in line or anything. Have a good night. Helen

  8. well it looks good, a lot to mow for sure.  

  9. WOW!!!!  SS signing you and Clliff will really be "rolling in clover" so to speak.....LOL...right???  glad the mowing is working out and that the rain holds off for a bit...farming is a daily, hourly job...right???  Hugs...Ora

  10. Convince Cliff to do his rehab. It's important. I had 3 months after my quadruple bypass.

  11. I'm glad the hay problem has been solved.  I lived close, I'd offer some help.  Have a good one.

  12. Wow - there's a lot going on down on the farm.  I could almost smell the newly mown (Mowed) (moan) hay.

    So glad to see Cliff moving around so well.


  13. Isn't it unreal how such a short time ago you were going to the hospital with Cliff for heart surgery.. look at him now!..  how fast he's recouping!! Amazing, and wonderful!

    (I get my first SS check the end of this month!!.. rich I won't be lol)

  14. Just wanted to wish you a bright weekend ahead!
    Hugs, SUGAR
