Sunday, May 21, 2006

A trip to a farming community

Cliff's brother, Phil, was having a family reunion at his house today; mostly his wife's relatives, but his kids and grandchildren were going to be there, and it's always nice to see them all grown up.  We decided to go to Church with him.  Because the church is in a farming town, there are lots of tractor dealers there.  Cliff cannot pass a tractor dealer without driving all around and out back to see what sort of old equipment and junkers are there.  He keeps up a running dialogue with himself as he goes, muttering things like, "That's just like the one ole so-and-so had," or, "That looks a lot like my disk-mower," or, "That's a nice-looking old John Deere, but the hydraulics were no good in that series."

But you have to know, I am so happy to have Cliff that much back to normal, doing the things he's always done, I'll drive through every tractor dealer's place in the county with him, if I must.


  1. This entry was so funny!  What is it about men and their vehicles?!!'s so funny!  The more I read about Cliff the more he reminds me of my father.  My dad was like that with planes and construction equipment. He was a cement contractor, so any job we happened by he'd stop and see if they were doing it right.  Of course, unless it was HIS job,  they were NEVER doing it right! LOL!  He'd look at all the vehicles much like Cliff does.  Once, we went to an old farming museum in Alabama.  I heard about each and every vehicle in there.  Whether it was horse drawn or motorized....I heard the story of what it did, how it worked, and if he'd ever operated one.  I treasured every minute of it, too!

  2. LOL on Cliff and his tractors. Glad the two of you had a good day. Helen

  3. cliff is way to funny. He just loves those tractors.  Happy to have him back to normal. lol

  4. Hehe and he probably thought you were having a grand ole time cause you were taking pictures!  Linda

  5. I remember when my husband had his bypass, anything that made him happy, made me happy.

  6. So glad he is doing better. Happy always heal faster!

  7. Men and their toys!  What's a woman to do?  Glad Cliff keeps improving every day.

  8. Love it!  Love it!  We do the same thing, only with us it is heavy equipment lots.  Occasionally we stop, he gets out and turns to me and says don't you want to see this?  In an effort to stay honest, I just smile, get out and try to pay attention as he admires the lovely huge steel monsters.
