Monday, March 20, 2006

Wind out of the east

As Cliff and I were coming out of the pasture from our morning walk, I happened to look at this shed just as a gust of wind caught it and picked up the front of it; the only reason it didn't go all the way over on its back was that there's a fence right behind it!  That shed has been there for years, and this has never happened.  Normally we don't get wind out of the east.  So as you can see, Cliff is out there in the wind, securing the shed.

The horse behind the shed is across the fence, and belongs to Marvin.

I just wish I'd thought to get a picture of the shed when it was leaning against Marvin's fence; it was rather scary!

They are forecasting all sorts of bad weather here, but it looks to me as though the worst of it is going to go north of us.


  1. Hope the bad weather doesn't come your way, Donna.  


  2. If you see some ruby red shoes under your shed grab them! They have magical powers!!!   :)

  3. I will be praying that the weather stays away from you.

  4. We got a little rain last night but not enough. Thank goodness we didn't get the hail they were predicting. Hope it means our drought has broken. Bet that shed did look scary. Paula

  5. We're just stuck in a cold rut here in PA!  Very Windy.

  6. That was some wind!!!!!!

  7. wow, that was some wind! stay safe


  8. There's ice in my neighborhood.  Be careful on those walks, Mosie.

  9. we got lucky because we aren't getting the big snow storm but it is very windy here too... guess its the March winds blowing. April will be welcome. Sandra

  10. That was some wind for you two to be out in. Gave Cliff something else to do. I like the picture. Helen

  11. I guess it did go well to the north!
    "An east wind is an ill wind," my grandmother used to say. And usually proved true. Some of the worst storms I've encountered came out of the east--and they were very rare. I'm just relieved that this wasn't one of them!

  12. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my journal. Am always thrilled when a new visitor comes to call.  I hope you'll stop by again!  Sounds like quit a wind.  1ST day of Spring we had winds over 40 mph and gusts of 60.  I think we're in for a wild ride this spring!!

  13. wow that is scary, I hope cliff got it all secured now and it won't be flying anywhere soon.
