Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Taking walks

Cliff and I walk every morning for exercise, and we take Sadie along.  However, she has to stay right at my side, and she isn't allowed to sniff the grass or romp.  We tried turning her loose, but she doesn't come too well when she's excited or busy, and I was afraid I'd lose her.  We like to make our walk as physically demanding as possible and get the most aerobic benefit we can in a half-hour.  I'm sure the discipline is good for Sadie, having to walk beside us like that.  But it can't be too much fun.

So after Cliff goes to work in the afternoon, I end up taking Sadie for a walk that is just for her.  I put the twenty-foot leash on her and allow her to run ahead or lag behind as she pleases.  I stop and wait while she sniffs and digs.  This gives me a chance to look around and see spring coming to the woods.  If Sadie brings me a stick to throw, I throw it.  In the woods and brush, sometimes the leash gets wrapped around a tree or caught on a root, but it isn't too big a problem. 

So, Sadie takes a walk with me in the morning; and I take a walk with Sadie in the afternoon.


  1. Sounds to me like this walking is a three way happy time...everyone benefits...Sadie seems like a child....just has to get all those whatevers out of her system LOLOL...Hugs...Ora

  2. That tree bud made a pretty picture. What is so weird about the white flower is it's leaves looks like some sort of grass. You can tell that Sadie is loving it all and she has really bonded with you. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. Helen

  3. Sadie is one lucky dog. She has a great life with you and Cliff other dogs would envy such a life. What a blessing for all three of you. Your stories make me smile.

  4. I like walk her in the morning and then she walks you in the afternoon!  Cute.

  5. The pictures are wonderful.  And you know what?  Weather permitting, soon I'll be walking with you two, too.

    And I can't wait!!!


  6. When Sadie walks are still moving, so I think you should still count that as exercise..... I know I would!  lol

  7. Sadie looks like she enjoys those walks.

  8. I sense that Sadie is spoiled!!!! LOL...

  9. Awww thats nice of you to give Sadie her own walk. Paula

  10. I'd love to be walking in the woods with you all right now.  I love the pictures of Spring !  Maybe soon we have it here too !  'On Ya' - ma

  11. The picture of the bud is so intriguing!  It would be nice if I could take walks like that.  Sammy loves to go, but I can't make it more than 1/2 a block without pain.  Well, maybe after I lose some weight as you have done, I'll be able.  I love your walks, I imagine being right there with you and Sadie.  Blessings, Penny

  12. that's a cute idea; I walk Koda in the morning for "me" but I bet he would like a walk just for him. He doesn't get much chance to sniff and explore


  13. that is so cute, My dog doesn't know how to bring things back. I love him dearly but he can be so dumb. He wants me to throw it back but he lays down with it and runs away one you try to take it. My dog will go under the bed. Then about 5 min. later he comes running around me and once again if I try to take the toy away he goes back under the bed with it.  

  14. That is a good way to get in extra exercise! I know that Sadie loves you for doing that!

  15. Sadie is too cute lol.. they sure help keep us happy don't they?!..

  16. I love your pictures!  Sadie sure looks so happy.  You are so lucky to have her and vice versa!  How does she do with the horse? Is she afraid?
    I wish I had nice woods to walk in near my house.  You truly are blessed!

  17. Give and take!  That's what it's about, right?  :)

