Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Another motorcycle ride

This is the third day in a row we've ridden the motorcycle.  I packed a picnic lunch in one of the new thermal lunch boxes we bought, put some Diet Cokes on ice in the bottom of it, and we were off.

It's about an hours drive to Knob Noster State Park, which is where we had our lunch.   It was a perfect day for a ride, and we saw dozens of motorcycles out and about.

As you can see by the pictures, the state park is lovely, even this time of year.

And now, poor Cliff has to go to work.  Flylady has probably disowned me this week.  I'm a morning person, so by the time we get back from riding, I'm ready for the couch.  Today the bed didn't even get made, which is unusual.

We got home and had a scare:  Cliff took off his helmet, felt for his hearing aid, and discovered it was gone.  As I remember, there is a guarantee on it, even against loss; but we'd have to pay around $300 deductable.  Not bad, I suppose, considering it cost $1,800.  But we were both just sick about it, figuring he'd lost it when taking off his helmet at the state park.  We came inside ready to call the Hearing Center to see about the insurance, only to find he'd taken the hearing aid out to clean it this morning and had neglected to put it back in his ear.  Normally I'd have noticed he wasn't hearing well, but with the microphone/speaker system in our helmets, he hears me just fine without any help; and we did most of our talking while riding.

So, our day wasn't ruined after all.


  1. you are becomming quite the photographer !!..

    I bet it was really nice having the park to yourself.. glad you had a good ride, and MORE GLAD you found the hearing aid !

  2. Good thinking using the grill to hold the camera.  I'm so jealous over everyone's weather!

  3. I love the pictures and especialy that one of Cliff...he looks so happy!

  4. must have been a mild day :)
    would have been a bit chilly here
    for a ride
    in MI, USA

  5. Oh glad you didn't lose the hearing time cliff....put it in your pocket....and what beautiful pics Mo....gotta get me one of them cameras...

  6. Beautiful park to have your picnic at. Happy for Cliff that he didn't lose his hearing aid.

  7. I would love to have a bike. We have dirt bikes for the kids but i love to ride them. We live in the country and i love to take the trails and just be in the peacefulness of woods. But i would love to have a big bike like that. Maybe when the kids are grown and we don't have as many bills.  
    Work is such an ugly 4 letter word isn't. I'm glad everything turned out ok with the hearing aid. Expensive little bugers aren't they.

    Take care  :-)

  8. Sounds as if you two had a wonderful day. The pictures are great. Glad Cliff found his hearing aid. Helen

  9. Yes the park looks lovely. Glad you had so much fun and glad the hearing aid wasn't lost. Its neat the way you can talk to each other on the bikes now. I'm sure it makes it much more fun. Paula

  10. that's wonderful that you found the hearing aid.  It sure sounds like you had a wonderful time. Riding and picnicing.

  11. whew!!!!   what a relief about hte hearing aid!!!

  12. It's great that he didn't lose it after all!!!

  13. I'm so glad Cliff found his hearing aid!  300.00 buck, is 300.00 bucks!  Who needs to be putting out that kind of money!  
    Sounds like your weather has been nice enough to get you out on your motorcycle and having fun!

    Lov the pics!


  14. Sounds like a wonderful day with a wonderful ending.  You two are so blessed to have each other !  I love hearing about folks that appreciate one another .  Too many having troubles and fighting all the time.  Life is too short for that!  Housework can wait - Enjoy those special times together !  'On Ya' - ma

  15. OH I hope soon we get pretty days very soon.  I m so ready for spring

  16. That sounds like fun riding around-glad you found the hearing aid!

    You had asked where I find the sweeps to enter-here are the places I look:

    Good luck!  Let me know if you have anymore questions-Jeff

  17. Stopping by to say hello, hope you have a wonderful wkend! We've had such wonderful weather this week :0) Motorcycle or convertible sounds GOOD! Thanks for coming by my journal earlier in the week!

  18. Hello~
    What a wonderful looking bike! And the park was beautiful. So nice to see that you had a great day together. One day Bob and I will be to a point in our lives when we can get out and do things together. For the last 4 or 5 years we have not had one vacation together or been able to do anything together. One day soon....

    The hearing aid story is a great one. My Aunt wears hearing aids and they are just so darn expensive, even with insurance (if you have the coverage). I know that Bob will soon need a hearing aid and we are lucky enough to have the coverage.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Big Hugs,
