Thursday, March 16, 2006

It's that time again.....

Oh yeah, it's time for the annual punk rock festival, Van's Warped Tour.  The tickets went on sale yesterday.  My granddaughter Amber even said she'd pay my way.  She and I have been there together the past two years, and she considers it a tradition.  We actually got caught in a mosh pit the first time we went (that will not happen again).

I'd like to buy tickets for Amber, myself, and my grandson Brett.  But I'm not employed like I was in recent years.  Do you think my husband will foot the bill for three of us?

I'll likely be spending more time in the air-conditioned tent for old folks this year, because my knees don't like to stand in one spot for long.  But honestly, I love the Warped Tour.  I'll let you know how it turns out.


  1. sounds like tons of fun. Have a great time. How cute that Amber wants to pay for you.

  2. I think that is great that you do that with your grandkids. Heck yeah I bet Cliff will foot the bill for the three of you. Nice of your granddaughter to offer. Paula

  3. you are an awesome grandmother! I don't think I, as a mother, would want to go to an event like this! Great that Amber wants you to go! Do tell us how it is this year. I stand in awe at your bravery to go to such an event.


  4. THIS is why I love you like I do!  Tell Cliff to come off that fat wallet of his this instant!  LOLL  (Or remind him who really wanted that motor-cicle.)

  5. I loved my grandmother and she was pretty cool, but I don't think she would have taken me to a rock festival.  Your one cool grandma!

  6. He he he!  I'm lovin' you more each time I visit!  My daughter has invited me to the Bamboozle Concert (May/NJ/2days) and I am deciding yes or no?  Well, dang, if you can go to a Punk Rock Concert, I can surely handle the Bamboozle Thingy ...  I think!  You really do ROCK!

  7. It always amazes me that you do this...

  8. What a fantastic Grandma you are!  Lucky granddaughters!


  9. I think that is so cool
