Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wednesday Diet report

I weigh the same today as last week, 163 1/2.  I'm not too concerned, because usually when that happens I show a respectable loss the next week.  It'll be great when I can get down to the 150's.  It's been forever since I've been under 160!

Cliff lost two pounds, so he's 244 now.  His blood pressure is staying pretty much the same the last few times we've checked it... right around 140 over 78.

Last week at the store, Cliff asked me to buy some cookies he loves:  chocolate-covered graham crackers.  We get the cheap brand.  I bought them because, you know, nothing is off-limits to us on this diet; we just have to watch portions.

A few days ago, after having already had dessert, I saw Cliff go by the cookie jar and get two of those cookies.  OK, it's a one-time slip, I figured.  Let it go.

Then Monday he told one of the granddaughters to bring him two cookies.

"Cliff, do you realize those cookies are over 100 calories each?" I ventured.

"WHAT?  No way!  They're graham crackers!"

"Yeah, covered in fake chocolate." 

I checked the package.  120 calories for one cookie.  I made sure Cliff read it for himself, because he was absolutely floored by the information, and I had a feeling he thought I was making it up.

If anything happens to me, I have a feeling Cliff will be gaining weight.

How much is a good dietician/trainer worth these days, anyhow?


  1. I guess you are going to have to put an alarm on the cookie jar.  Or you could accidently drop them on the floor.  Oh wait!  What am I thinking!!! Your floor is probably clean enough to eat off of.  Five second rule and all..hmmm I guess Cliff will just have to behave! Barbara

  2. Um, yeah, I meant NOT so bad for him.  Ack....I need more coffee.  :)


  3. Y' could probably make some yourself with reduced fat grahams, bakers chocolate, and splenda for sweetening.  They're pretty good...  and you control the chocolate by brushing it on with a basting brush  :)  That way, he can have it, but it's so bad for him.....


  4. I don't buy those anymore! They're just too much of a temptation! Hard as I try, I can eat a whole package in two days without even realizing it!
    I do buy chocolate graham crackers, though; a whole rectangle is 120 calories. But not anywhere near as satisfying!

  5. Shucks! I wrote a long 2 paragraph comment for you...but it didn't save?????? Any way to make it short this time....Think you two are doing great, I believe in portion control too & having what you want (only a sml amt). Take care dear.
    Blessings, SUGAR

  6. Your worth could never be measured or paid for - you are much more than a personal trainer !
    Congrats to you both !!!  Not one ounce weight gain in all this time - how wonderful!!!

    I imagine that you and Sadie are getting lots of exercise with those frisbees !  'On Ya ' - ma

  7. Poor Cliff I know how he feels. I think I could about live on sweets but since I found out I am diabetic that rules out the sweets but for a plain graham cracker sometimes maybe with peanut butter ocassionally. No choclate covered ones though LOL. (sigh!) Helen

  8. I think your are doing so good with the weight loss.... I hope you see those 50's really really soon too. I have a long way to go but today I finally had a 1 # loss so maybe I am on my way.... I hope. I would love to get into the 50's too but I have a long way to go yet.... just starting and all but I exercise more in the spring and summer so I have a good chance. Cliffs pressure is great by the way.... I have to work on mine too.. Have a good day, Sandra

  9. Great on the weight loss!
    Cliff won't be able to climb up on his beloved tractors if you were gone. He would balloon up so big.....

  10. It's amazing how many calories things like that have!!! No wonder we all have trouble with our weight!!!!

  11. wtg on Cliff's weight loss and your maintaining! People are always amazed when they actually start looking at how many calories things have in them. keep up the good work!


  12. I once saw a cookie jar that moos when you open the lid. lol I am better off to not eat any, as once I get the taste of chocolate, well you know what I mean. Paula

  13. Sorry -- I just don't think there's any possible way you can weight 163 lb.s!!  That's more than I weigh now!  I remember you being a tiny little thing a year ago when I finally got to meet you and hug you.  I think your scale is broken, girl!


  14. keep cliffs hands out of the cookie jar, lol. Your both doing great with the diets.


  15. I hate it when the scale shows no difference.  Keep fighting.  You'll get there.  :)


  16. Great work on both of your parts.  Your 'stamina' through it all amazes me!  LOL about the cookies, although it's not necessarily funny -- it just reminds me of Dave and how I hear him in the kitchen two or three times an evening, scrounging around for a snack!
