Sunday, March 5, 2006

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Have you given up anything for Lent? If so, what did you give up?  The church in which I grew up, and most of the churches I've attended in my life, didn't do Lent.  So, although my present Church does have it, I don't give anything up.

2. How prepared is your bathroom? Not counting the one you currently have open, how many unopened units of the following do you have waiting in your cabinets?
A. Tubes of Toothpaste    We just opened our spare tube.  Which means I'll be buying a backup tube my next shopping trip.  We do have a bunch of those little travel-sized ones in a travel bag.
B. Sticks of Deodorant  1 spare
C. Packs of Toilet Paper  seven rolls
D. Bars of Soap      5.  I buy Zest in the 8-pack

3. Has a commercial for any specific medication ever prompted you to visit your doctor to discuss either the illness or symptoms the advertised product treats? If so, did you ask the doctor to prescribe that specific medication?  When they were advertising a pill for toenail fungus on TV, I saw my doctor about that.  But when I found out it's a health risk, and that although the stuff would clear up the problem, eventually the fungus would probably return, I opted to have my toenails permanently removed.

4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What part of fall  are you? (Hey, since Spring is almost here, why not!)

 I'm apple cider, smooth and comforting, but downright nasty when cold.

5. Which is more full right now at your home: your kitchen trash bag, your vacuum cleaner bag, your wallet, your stomach, or your car's fuel tank?  probably my vacuum cleaner bag.  It definitely isn't my wallet, and I just emptied my kitchen trash yesterday.

6. If the blog gods imposed some new law that says you could only participate in one regularly-scheduled meme per week, other than the Saturday Six, Sunday Seven or Tuesday Two, which one would you choose? (Leave a link to the most recent edition if you wish!)  Since you left your own memes out of this, I'd say John Scalzi's Monday Photo Shoot.  I've had lots of fun with that one along the way. 


  1. velly velly intesesting LOLOL.....and I love good cold apple cider...course I enjoy hot too...LOL....and I haven't given anything up for lent...our church doesn't really advocate that either....we use Lent as a time of reflecting upon ourselves to see how we as an individual can do more for the Lord...and just renewing our intent of living a good Christian life....Hugs...Ora

  2. Growing up in our town I only remember the Catholics giving up something for lent so I never got into the habit of it. Paula

  3. I agree about not treating toe fungus with a oral med; too many side effects and no guarantee it will cure


  4. ouch on the toenails.  Apple cider sounds nice. I should do the quiz.
