Saturday, March 11, 2006

one dog problem solved

There'll be no more problems with Sadie pulling on the leash so hard she chokes herself and wrenches my shoulder out of place, and this involves no pain for the doggy.

I kept seeing "Halti" mentioned in books, and on websites about dog training.

If you'd like to read something about it, click HERE.

Sadie does look woebegone here, but it's only because she knows she can't run away from me any more.  She trotted alongside me on our morning walk as though she'd had an encounter with Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer.  Except I wasn't doing a thing besides walking along with her on a loose lead.  There's a snap to attach onto her regular collar in case she should struggle free from the Halti, but she's almost quit struggling now.

I just got this thing yesterday, but I'm sold on it.  If you're tired of struggling with a dog who insists on taking YOU for a walk, rather than allowing you to set the pace, this is for you.

PetSmart has it online for $9.99.  Or you can go directly to your nearest PetSmart store and pay $18.99.  Crazy, huh?  I ordered one online, but I had ordered the wrong size.  So I went to the store to trade it for the proper size and noticed the difference in prices.

You can also find lots of Haltis on Ebay, but of course if you get the wrong size, you're stuck with it. 


  1. WOW! this is something I am going to look into....Max is the sweetest dog...listens...but like Sadie...has a mind of his/or her own....thanks for sharing this info....I know you both will be happier in your daily walks now...Hugs ..Ora

  2. Very smart move for both of you!  Our big ole dog Sam was well trained, but insisted I was to jog while he walked ... and so a Halti came into our life.  Amazing how well they work.  This was after trying a dowel tied to his collar hanging down in front of his legs, the leash wrap around the belly and a few other weird homemade and homethought contraptions.  The Halti was the only item that worked and worked perfectly!  

  3. Oh dear me, poor Sadie.  She looks, like you said, woebegone.  I guess I'll have to bring her a present from Jakie.

    Hope you day is as lovely as ours is.

  4. I always thought of getting one of those for my Maizy. Poor Sadie, she doesn't look happy with that!  Have a good weekend.

  5. Thanks for the tip, have seen them before but wasn't sure how good they work, may get one for Angel as she tries to pull be down, plus I walk sooo slow.
    Son & family use a harness for their dog & it works good for them. I'm an old fashion collar gal. But think I'll try this!

  6. That looks like a good way to train your dog.... I bet after awhile she won't even need it now that she knows what you want.... glad you solved your problem. Sandra

  7. I have never seen one of those before. It looks about as cheap to go to the store and buy it as to order it online as the postage and handling is outrageous now. We do order things online because in a bigger price range is it cheaper. Have a good afternoon. Helen

  8. my vet's office has this in stock that they will sell and also offer a free training session with you and your dog. I need to do that; thanks for the reminder. Koda is always pulling on the leash.


  9. Thanks for the info on this product. I am going to online to Petsmart and order this today. We have a 11 month old boxer that takes ME for a walk...I am willing to give this a try.

  10. Mosie, I've decided to order the Halti...please let me know the weight of Sadie & what sz she wears. Then I can guess the right sz for mine! Just email me please, will be waiting for your reply! TY

  11. These really do work, I've used them in the past!  Linda

  12. I can imagine that those would work..    My chihuahua only weighs 3 lbs, IF that.. and she couldn't pull me if she tried! lol

    I'm glad that Sadie won't be pulling you all the over the place now!  

    Hope you're feeling better!


  13. SHOWS YA HOW FAR OUT IN THE BOONIES I AM... I'd never seen this gadget before.  Must work on leverage ... like applying your pull to a ring in a bull's nose instead of a horse collar on the harness....
    (I'm sold on on-line shopping)

  14. My huge old chowbrador use dto walk beside me llike such a lady before she went to dog heaven. My tiny cocker pulls like a fiend!

  15. Hi Mosie I've been advised to come here by Helen, madcobug ,to have a look at your halti ,we have a strong Shar Pei ,who is too strong for me to walk by my self ,Idid an entry about it today so Helen's advice was good,because this could solve our problem too ...I've put you on my alerts I enjoyed your journal ..visit me sometime ....Jan xx

  16. That looks great! Now does it help the dog that just sits and crys instead of walking? Poor Scampi is afraid of the leash.

  17. yep I have had a few dogs who took me for a walk.  That looks great the halti.

  18. WELL then...the Gerbies might be in for a rude awakening.  I began letting them go ahead of me on retractables, so they could run around a bit.  I was so slow right after surgery.  Now I'm just plain old broken down, and they yank me evry whicck way. LOL

    Thanks Donna! Next payday, the jig is up!  LOLL

