Sunday, August 14, 2005

Weekend assignment, a little late

John Scalzi gives us....   Weekend Assignment #72: The Ultimate Battle

Normally with the Weekend Assignment, I try to make assignments that bring us together -- assignments we can all share in with love and comity. But today, I want to use the Weekend Assignment as a platform to discuss one of the great divides in American culture -- a divide so wide that it tears at our national fabric and threatens to pit brother against sister, parents against children, husbands against wives. I am talking, of course, about the debate about which is better: cake or pie.

Pie is my favorite.  Warm fruit pie, out of the oven for about 45 minutes, with vanilla ice cream on top.  Home-made apple is the best, preferably made my myself, since most people don't add enough spices to suit me.

Extra Credit: Having chosen cake or pie, now admit your favorite variety of the dessert you did not choose. So if you chose cake, tell us your favorite pie. Prefer pie? Tell us your favorite cake.

I wasn't going to do this assignment, since I've been gone and it's a little past-due.  However, after reading it and pondering the extra-credit question, I got so hungry I had to make my favorite cake.  And I figured if the assignment was that motivating, then I had better take part.  Here's my favorite cake:  pineapple upside down cake, just out of my oven!


  1. That cake looks like it is staring at me......but I'd eat it anyhow.

  2. Look good enough to eat a slice right now. Helen

  3. Mmm! Now THAT is a thing of beauty!

  4. Hi Mosie Dear....   :o)

    :: as she holds her plate for some cake ::


  5. Why do you torture me like this?....first it was the darn pecan waffles and now the latest is pineapple upside down cake.  OK, I now know what I am making for desert tomorrow night.  Anne
