Sunday, August 7, 2005

the things that make life worth living

My two oldest grandchildren, my son's two oldest children, were here today.  Yes, Arick is taking a can of soda home with him.  Do I care?  NOPE!!!  He can have my checkbook if he wants it (he hasn't asked though). 

They both went home with full tummies, and that's a good thing.

They gave me hugs before they left, and that's the BEST thing.


  1. I can remember when I was younger my Grandma would let me have ice cream for breakfast when I spent the night. Anything her Grandbaby wanted she got she does the same with my daughter!  Grandma's are truly a blessing!! Robin

  2. beautiful grandkids..give him anything he wants to drink or eat poor boy, you don't want him to waste away from hunger!
    that is the best thing about grandmas they love us no matter what and spoil us too!

  3. All your grands are good looking kids. Nice legacy!

  4. I envy you, your beautiful grandchildren, and the closeness you seem to have with them!  That's what I long for.  My kids are just sloooww  at getting there! lol


  5. I'm curious....are there ANY photos of you where you don't have that wonderful, natural smile on your face???  I have photos of myself where I'm smiling, but it's fairly obvoius that I'm forcing it for the sake of the picture.  I'm a natural frowner.

  6. Great picture. Those children know who to hit up for goodies. They get their goodies with a smile.  Helen

  7. ah I m so looking forward to having grand kids if ever my girls find a decent guy. Would be so wonderful to have them visit

  8. I wanted to leave a comment here last night but I paused to search for a recipe for "Old Settler's Beans" because I had never heard of them and I got booted from my computer.

    This is something good. :-) And, it sounds like so are those beans! I might have to try making them sometime. :-) ---Robbie

  9. Mosie~I'm glad you get so much joy out of being Gramma. I look forward to save. Blessings, Sassy ;-)
