Monday, August 1, 2005

a ride in the cornfield

What a perfect morning for a ride.  I allowed Blue to choose our course today; I was heading up the highway toward town, but just a short distance from home, he signaled that he was interested in going into a cornfield.  Sometimes I let him have a choice in where we'll go.  After all, he's the one doing the work. 

The man who farms there has a path he uses to drive through the corn, so we weren't trampling any of his crop.

Probably the reason Blue chose this path is because he loves the taste of corn, stalks and all.  He can grab a bite so fast, he doesn't even have to slow his pace.  

No matter what the rest of the day brings, its beginning was perfect.


  1. A big hand for Blue for choosing the cornfield. Can't say as I blame him. The sunrise was beautiful. Helen

  2. gives new meaning to 'going through the drive-thru for a meal' doesn't it?!  hee hee


  3. Sounds like you have a good start to a wonderful day. Enjoy it, Paula

  4. Awesome pictures Donna. What a way to start the day. And cudos to Blue for his choice of places to walk. Thanks for sharing !  Nance

  5. Enjoyed your morning ride thru the cornfield via the pictures.  You are right about that picture being so pretty with the sunrise and it's rays over the cornfield.  You might have to get a big print of that one.

    Have a good day.

  6. Sigh::: sounds delightful. I love that horse he has such good sense.

  7. Oh, you are so blessed and so smart.  Why doesn't everyone take the effort and time to enjoy the morning sunrise with or without a horse.
