Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Saturday, our last day at the State Fair

Saturday was our third day at the fair, but there were plenty of things we hadn't seen and done.  I decided once again to splurge on a meal, and bought our breakfast on the fairgrounds... biscuits and gravy.  I think I'm getting lazy in my old age. 

Those quarter foot-massagers  you see in the picture are placed strategicly all over the fairgrounds, but the only people I ever saw using them for anything other than chairs were my granddaughters.  Yes, they spent their own money for two minutes of having their feet jiggled. 

We had some time before the 9 AM horse show, so we browsed through the Army tent.  The girls each got a free beanie-baby kittycat there.

We tried to pick winners at the horse show, but the best our choices could do was second-place.

Then we strolled through some of the horse-barns, and past a Hereford cattle show, finding interesting things to fill our time.  The only scheduled event we planned was the 2 PM HoneyBear Dancers' show.  We had bologna sandwiches at the camper before noon, and the girls played around while I started washing dishes and putting things away for our trip home.

We wisely got to the dancers' tent more than a half-hour early, because the chairs filled up fast.  It was sultry, and I gave the girls strict orders to remain seated while I went into the nearby Industrial building for some free fans, courtesy of the Churches of Christ.  When I returned, Monica and Natalie had struck up a conversation with a middle-aged couple, and were telling them what a great show they were about to witness.  The people were NOT disappointed.

After that show, we went to see the card-stacker shown in yesterday's entry, and our annual visit to the State Fair was over.  It was a good time for all of us, and I'm thankful I got to do it one more time.


  1. I hope you get to enjoy many more years of the fair.

  2. What a great time you all had ! You are so lucky to be able to spend time with the grandchildren like that !  'On Ya'  - ma

  3. You sure did show those girls a good time.  I am inspired by all your planning and wise spending.  Lucky, Lucky children to be getting the lessons they are getting.  Love, Wise love--Time, precious time---Memories

  4. Just reading up on your journal alerts for the past week.  I think I'd have paid to have my foot jiggled too.   Glad you all had such a good time.
