Saturday, August 6, 2005

Skeeter-fest, the car show

I have my son-in-law's birthday dinner (for tomorrow) well under way:  The Watergate salad is made, and the pumpkin pies.  The brisket is in the oven.  He didn't order potato salad, but I thought it was called for, since we're having brisket and Old Settler's beans.  So that's done.

I really enjoyed the car show today.  Cliff helped me figure out the year some of the cars were made, but the really old ones aren't anything he's familiar with.  I simply took pictures of them because they were so pretty.

It's been a good day all around.


  1. I'm drooling...what time do we eat?

  2. Nice cars.... a real work of art there.

  3. Oh my goodness I am foaming at the mouth!!!!! Sounds absolutely wonderful!! My kind od birthday dinner!  Enjoy. Robin

  4. Good luck with the Son-in-lasw's dinner today.  It sounds like it will be a delicious success.  The cars were great to get to see, thanks for sharing them with us.

  5. Thanks for sharing the old car pics - they really are beautiful ! What I always liked about the old cars, is you could tell them apart, one from the other. In this day and age, so many cars look alike ! One of our pass times as kids, was to "call out" the make and model, as we saw cars coming down the street. My cousins and I used to sit on my Grandmas porch [big old covered porch, so it was a wonderful place to be on a summer day even if it was raining] and see who could recognize cars at a far distance. Grandma lives on the main street of our town, so there was lots of traffic.  Thanks for "stirring up" those precious memories, Donna !  :)

  6. My first car was a '56 Ford and to this day - it's been my favorite car !   I've got my meatloaf in the oven for Sunday dinner.  My son requested his favorite - so I thought I'd fix it for him.  I don't get many chances !  Your SIL's birthday dinner sounds delicious !!!  Have fun.  It's always great to celebrate !  'On Ya'  - ma

  7. We love car shows. Use to go to them all the time
