Sunday, August 28, 2005

another nice Sunday

Another nice day.  Cliff and I visited a different church today.  I had recently complained to him that I never hear good sermons any more, so he took me someplace where he knew I'd like the preaching.

I promised Cliff spaghetti a few days ago, and today was the day to make it happen.  As luck would have it, my granddaughter Amber had spent the night, and she's a spaghetti-fanatic too.  Then Monica and Natalie wanted to come visit.  Their mom is on a quickie business trip to Texas (left today, comes home tonight) and I'll bet Kevin is loving the time alone.  I guess I'm not too bad a babysitter:  The girls want to come on weekends, after being here every day all week.

There's a slight chance of thunderstorms tonight.  We're hoping they don't happen, since Cliff is mowing the clover/orchard grass hay.  If we make it today and tonight without rain, there's none in the forecast the rest of the week, and then our hay will be fine.


  1. I love the smell of freshly cut hay.  Just looking at the pics, I could "smell" it ! Thanks for the "upside down" pics ...they sure gave me a chuckle ! Your Grands have one special Gramma !!

  2. I love that you are willing to do things like watch TV upside down with the grandkids AND let them take a picture of it... You are the coolest Grandma!

  3. I had spegetti too!  It just sounded good and now I'll eat it all week long !  'On Ya'  - ma

  4. Good luck with the hay.  Your upside down TV watching made me laugh.  You are so fun!
    Glad you heard some good preaching today.  Not that you needed it, I just mean it's awful to sit and listen to someone that doesn't hold your attention, or doesn't teach you anything.  LOL.  Ours does a good job, but he will yell "wake up" and today he stopped mid sermon and said "I don't think anybody is listening to me".  He said, "everybody quit looking around".  I said, rather loudly in our pew, "gosh you don't have to be looking at someone to be listening."  LOL.  I guess he wanted to be looked at, though.

  5. WOW ! Awesome concept...watching TV upside down. You are one fun Gramma. Those girls will have soooo many great memories to look back on when they are grown. There needs to be MORE grammas like you MO !    Nance

  6. i hope the hay didnt get wet
