Monday, August 8, 2005

a mouse in my bed!!!

We're getting ready for our trip to the State Fair, so Cliff set the camper up right outside the door where it's handy for me and the girls to get it stocked and ready.  I had taken quite a bit of stuff that belongs in the camper to the cabin, so we went back with the tractor to get the coffeepot, battery-operated lantern, and the propane bottle.  Since the beds in the camper aren't the best-padded in the world, I decided to deflate my air mattress and take it, too.  As the air was going out of it, I started to fold it over, and Natalie screamed excitedly, "A mouse!  There's a mouse under there!"

Sure enough, a very well-fed mouse was not only sleeping under my mattress, but eating pretty darned well too.  He'd found Mandy's dog food (the only food item that's out where he could get it) and gone to all the trouble of storing some in his hideaway.

I'm not terribly squeamish about mice, but somehow the thought of sleeping with one makes me shudder a little.

I knew there were mice in the cabin; they'd left plenty of evidence.  I just hadn't gotten around to putting poison out for them.

Anyhow, Cliff quickly folded the almost-deflated air mattress and took a swat at the mouse, who ran under the mattress somewhere.  After that, none of us could find him, so we loaded all our stuff into the bucket of the John Deere, Cliff raised it up at an angle so nothing would fall out, and back to the house we went.  As we were going through the last gate, Cliff happened to look up and see our little furry friend, perched on the air mattress high in the air.  When he parked the tractor and lowered the bucket, he had plans of killing the little moocher... but the mouse dived off and went running and leaping through the grass toward a tree, which he then climbed like a squirrel.  What an adventure he had today. 

If I were a children's author, I believe I could make a story out of this, from the mouse's point of view.  You know, like "Mouse In The Big Woods", or, "From Cabin To Treetop".

added later:  click here to read the story as my daughter tells it.


  1. This has children's book written all over it! I think you should take a crack at it for sure!!!! Ewwwwww I don't like mice...but I do have a hamster! LOL!

  2. I have a BIG fear of little mice.  You are right, the thought of sleeping with one is creepy!     Anne

  3. That was so funny, the mouse getting an air lift. Helen

  4. LOL..we can "see" that mouse, Donna  - and can hear the squeals !!!!  That is one adventuresome critter !

  5. Check my journal for my input!

  6. that would make a good children's book.  :)  have fun at the state fair, your bringing back good memories for me.


  7. I am not crazy about mice but rather sleep with one of them then a scorpion. Was thinking of scorpions because we were discussing them at the senior center today. Have fun at the fair. Paula

  8. Darlin' --- you need some farm cats around your homestead!  My pa's barn and graineries are rodent-free because of all his faithful feline friends.  They're plentiful!!  


  9. Or "The Mouse Loses his House"............

    I hope you and the girls have a great time.  Remember to take pictures.



  10. Ooowweee, I hate mice too. I flip out if I find or think anything is in my bed other than the Nemesis.



  11. LOL pretty funny! I can't help but be a little happy the furry fellow got away. ;-)

  12. woooooooooo........
    I would not like knowing a mouse was in my bed.  LOL.
