Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My new digital camera

When I had my small gathering of Internet friends here in July, one lady, Nance, had a camera that she was quite happy with.  It was a tiny little thing, but had lots of useful functions.  Her enthusiasm for this camera made a couple of us want one for ourselves; my Kansas buddy, Boo, acquired one shortly afterward... her first digital camera.

I've used and abused my old digital camera for over two years.  It was a gift to my husband for perfect attendence at work.  I've not attempted to learn anything about it beyond "point and shoot".  I lost its protective cover long ago, and have tossed it carelessly in my fanny-pack for many horseback rides and jaunts about the countryside and various fairgrounds.  The lens is scratched horribly, although I can't see that's affected the photos so far.

Anyway, I shopped online for awhile, e-mailing Nance more than once, asking, "Now what was the name and model of that camera again?"

I found a similar one somewhat cheaper, asked her what the difference was in the two, and she patiently explained it to me.  She says she is not a techie-type person, but her brother is, and he advises her.

Today two boxes were delivered by DHS.  Hmmm, I says to myself.  I only ordered one camera.

Would you believe the case for the camera was in a box by itself?

Isn't that nuts?  All that stuff for two tiny items and a little software and a couple of instruction booklets.  Here's a picture of the new camera in my hand, so you can see how tiny it really is.

It has a battery pack and charger, so there'll be no more buying AA batteries by the dozen.  It will even make little movies, with sound!

Am I the only person who thinks Nance ought to get paid by Canon for advertising their cameras?  They should put her on the payroll.

Oh, for anyone who'd like to check this little jewel out, here's the scoop:  Canon PowerShot SD 400.

I won't be retiring my old camera; it'll still be the one I toss around and take along when I'm riding, as long as it will work.


  1. cool deal!  It looks like a fun camera to have.  Don't know how I would live without a digital camera.  Blessings, Penny

  2. Amazing..........did the boxes come from 2 different locations?  Have fun with that new camera..I'm still waiting to get my first one.  Anne

  3. That looks and sounds like a really nice camera.  I can't wait for you to take some pics with it and show them off to us.

  4. Congrats on the new toy!  It looks marvelous and I can't wait to see all the new 'shots'.
    Have fun with it!

  5. Cool Camera. And by the way, Cindy at work says Hi and she will email you when she gets her computer up and running again.

  6. Hi there...
    Have fun with the new camera.  Always so fun.

  7. I've been more than happy with my Powershot A80. I'm a biased Canon dude, but this has been a great camera. The only thing bad about battery packs is running out of juice when you can't recharge right away...you might want to look into getting an extra battery pack.

  8. Cool!  I have bookmarked this entry for future reference -- when I finally get around to buying a new cam.  Thank your friend for me!!


  9. Oooo! Ahhh! It's so tiny and cute! I have a Canon PowerShot too...but mine is the bigger, slightly bulkier S50. I like my camera a lot. :-)

  10. Wow those are really big boxes for a little camera and case aren't they.... I bet it got there in good shape though with all the wraping and packaging. No darn wonder it costs so much to have something shipped these days but at least it got there in good shape. i like the size. Mine is so big I cannot put it in my purse. I suppose I will have to find another one like you have just for my purse. :) Sandra
