Sunday, March 9, 2008

Maybe it's just me

I read so many great blogs and journals.  I read blogs written by atheists, left-wingers, right-wingers, Christian home-schoolers, wicca-homeschoolers (hi Amy), gays and lesbians.  There's a better sense of humor amongst this varied crew than you'll ever find on the comedy channel on TV.

One of my favorite Christian blogs is called Letters from Kamp Krusty.  But don't expect this guy to be preachy or run-of-the-mill.

Today his entry cracked me up.  I literally laughed out loud.

I love when that happens.


  1. ......also, guys should not play accordians shirtless.  hee hee...


  2. I will have to go check it out.  I love reading so many different blogs to but I have to agree...they are much more interesting then the comedy channel!

  3. Holy Moses! He is hunk-a-licious! I'll have to add this to bloglines (mainly for eyecandy but he's funny too). ;-)
