Sunday, March 23, 2008

in a slump

Cliff and I are in sort of a "spring slump".  Cliff blames the weather.  We get one or two really spring-like days, then it's back to cold, windy, wintry weather.  Of course, it doesn't help that we're waiting for things to happen so we can move forward on our home purchase.  Right now, everything is in limbo.  We should know something this week.

Magran asked if we will use our well water in the mobile home.  No, I've had it with coffee pots and fixtures being ruined and floors being stained blue by hard water.  We'll pay the $2,060 to have a meter put in, plus the cost of running a line from the meter to the home.  Then we'll have a monthly water bill.  It's a costly move, but I've lived with hard water and everything it involves for most of my married life, and it's one of the things I'd like to change.  That is, if we have enough funds.  That's the problem right now, we don't know how much money we'll have to work with.

About this old house:  Cliff's sister is excited that she'll have a place to stay while she looks for employment; once she finds a job and knows she's going to stay with it, she'll shop for a home in that area.  She knows about most of the flaws of this house; since she'll only be here temporarily, I imagine she can put up with it.  We won't necessarily make her pay rent.  It'll just be nice to have somebody here while we figure out what we're going to do next with the place, as long as she takes care of the electricity and propane.

For those who think there might be a problem with letting a relative live here, put it from your mind.  Rena is self-sufficient and a hard worker; she isn't going to lay around and sponge off us.  She'd be bored silly not working.  She'll probably have this place cleaner than it's been in years.  Seriously! 

Personally, I'd like it if our present renters moved here eventually.  Then we could tear down the unsightly trailer house where they're living now and they'd have more room.  That's a thought we might pursue once Rena moves on.


  1. I think she'll have it cleaner than either of us have ever had a house!  I think she'll be happy, and it sounds like it's going to work out for everyone involved.

  2. Well, I guess if you add up the cost of replacement coffee makers and cleaners to scrub the hard water stains (been there, done that so I know) over the years, not too mention the yellowed whites, etc ... in the end the cost of the hookup and meter, etc may just be about the same ...

    So excited for you but I think I know what you mean ... "spring slump"  between the weather not cooperating and being in a holding pattern, it's got to be a bit slumpy.  

  3. I wish I could get good water for that price.  I know just exactly what you've been going through.

  4. It's nice to have a trustworthy family member to rent because you can be sure she isn't going to damage the place!   Anyway,  did you think about  a soft water set up?  We had severely hard water and it smelled SO bad of sulfur when we moved in that I could not stand it!  We called US water and they fixed us right up!  We can't even smell the sulfur and no stains from the hard water anymore :)  It was 3 grand for the additional set up (they already had ONE soft water machine here but that wasn't far from enough) we needed another soft water machine and a peroxide machine and now we are loving it!  Taste wonderful!  

  5. Spring will come. Personally I am hoping to go directly from winter to summer - our winter has been severe this year. Try to enjoy the anticipation of your new home!


  6. I was wondering if the renters were still there. You hadn't mentioned them in a long while.

  7. I'm glad you're going to have someone to live in the house and keep it up for you.  I'm sure it will be nice having her nearby too, instead of so far away.

  8. Yep, I have the slumps too. We had some really nice weather and then wham we got hit with windy and cold again. It was 26 this morning! I am cold feeling to the bone once again. I know how y'all feel. Cant wait for it to be warm everyday.
