Friday, March 28, 2008

A celebration (of sorts)

Finally, our house-and-five-acres has been appraised.  I have no idea for how much, but anyhow the ball is rolling.  Sometime next week it will all be over.  At least, phase 1 will be over.  You know, the paperwork.

Cliff's younger sister, Charlene, and her hubby from St. Louis (they're mine and Cliff's motorcycle-riding buddies) are in the area for the weekend.

So Charlene and Pat, and my daughter's family, will be here tomorrow night for tacos.

We're celebrating the ball that is finally rolling.  We're also celebrating the fact that, since we have several acres, we don't have to pay for a stupid perk test for a septic tank.


Now playing: Keith Whitley - When You Say Nothing at All
via FoxyTunes   



  1. Yum I LOVE homemade tacos.  Glad things are rolling in the right direction for you and Cliff and the new home !!  How exciting !!

  2. How far will your new home be from the existing one?

  3. I HATE the stupid perk test - our first house in WV they made a huge deal of it - and it passed with no problem. Then six months later it started leaking like crazy - turns out the family wasn't staying there for months before they sold the house so of course the septic system was empty when we moved in. We had an awful time negotiating with the contractor (he had just put in the system)- we only had to pay out a couple hundred dollars but it was nerve-wracking. And of course all the money in escrow had been returned to the former home owner by then!

  4. I'm so happy for you ...enjoy your celebration.  'On Ya' - ma

  5. Rollin, rollin, rolling.....  Yahoooooo!

  6. Yum...tacos......I want some....we'll have to fix some...but Hubby is requesting we eat up what we have so we don't move it.  Our meals are going to be very interesting before long.  LOL  We'll be eating corn, cheese its, and pop tarts for dinner before long.  LOL
    Glad the ball is rolling.  All these "phases" of waiting is difficult...I try to keep myself busy but it's hard--all the waiting is hard.

  7. Happy Celebration!  

  8. I hope you are still celebrating :-)

