Friday, March 14, 2008

Interesting day

Cliff and I both picked up our new glasses this morning; I was long overdue for new ones.  Superglue was holding my old ones together.  Oh, and I can see much better now!  It had been at least five years since I got my others.

After leaving Gerry Optical, we headed toward Kansas City to look at more "manufactured housing".  I don't care what they call them, I call them mobile homes.

This time we hit pay dirt:  We found a nice, single-wide, very clean used one we both loved, for about half the price of a new one.  No, we didn't put money down on it.  But we're both excited that we aren't going to have to go as deeply in debt as we feared.  This was the first place we've found that has decent, not-too-old used mobile... er, uh, I mean manufactured housing.

Why would I be so excited about living in a trailer house?  Hey, I could use my microwave and make coffee at the same time without the electricity going off.  I'd have air conditioning.  Everything would be on one level.  I'll be the happiest "trailer trash" woman you've ever seen.  Oh, and I have lived in manufactured housing before.  Twice.

I'm mad at myself that I didn't take pictures, but I'll learn, before this search is over.

This was supposed to be a horrible day weatherwise.  It reminds me of a time when my grandson was three years old and visiting here.  I looked out the window and said, "Hey, it wasn't supposed to rain today."  And Arick said, "I guess God shanged His mind."

Speaking of Arick, he officially moved out today.  I'm very thankful for the past months he spent with us.  I think he learned some things that will last him throughout his life.  I believe we all made pleasant memories, too.


  1. How exciting for you!  Will you place it there on the land you have???  Now you have to tell us the rest of the story.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. I luv your pictures.  And I am wondering the same thing:  will it go on your piece of ground or in a trailer park.  In these parts, your are not allowed to put a mobile home on your own property.  Rules, rules, rules.  We are not even allowed to park our school bus in our driveway.  And I have a short bus.Oh, you'll luv this one:  No trucks or vehicles with a name of company on the side.  So people get around that by having magnetic signs so they can take them off when they are parked at home.  Also no boats on trailers parked at the curb.     Marlene

  3. Hey Mo...I think you would be happy in a "mobile home"....or trailer as I refer to them as!!!!  like you say...all the comforts of home without the mess and fuss of worrying if things are gonna work or not....and yes....there are alot of good used ones out there....I think you guys will come out ahead in all directions....and just because you are don't want to give up your "pleasures of the land" so to speak...God Bless...hugs...Ora     ps...wish cliff was coming to Dallas!!!!

  4. Could the money that you use to buy the mobile home with, be used instead to fix your house the way you want it? ( air conditioning, rewiring , etc.)  While they have some beautiful mobile homes  now; they still lose value as soon as they are pulled off the lot, while a house usually gains in value.
    I too have lived in a mobile home before; so please don't think I am against them...
    love ya,

  5. So glad Arick moved out on happy terms.

  6. I live in a trailer too.  Maybe I should change the title of my journal to reflect that!

  7. Oh I don't know why people get so riled up over the word trailer.  When my folks sold their house when I was only fourteen (and dad was retiring) we moved into a brand new single wide trailer.  We learned rather quickly from the neighbors to refer to it as a mobile home.  I didn't see anything mobile about it.  Then mobile changed to manufactured.  Silly.

    Ours was new, bright and like you said, all on one floor and we could use any number of appliances at one time.  That was a treat!

  8. I'm sure your going to be so happy that you did get to spend that time with Arick.  Now you may be lucky to get a visit out of him...KIDS! lol  I'm so excited for you and your new home!  Remember to take pics ;)  I have also lived in a mobile home when I was younger and I remember always being scared because my friends told me that a tornado would haul it away up into the sky!   I was scared of the storms!  We lived up on top of a very large hill!  Perfect for being hauled away by a tornado!  

  9. Some of the mobile homes around here are very luxurious! The parks have pools, rooms and gyms. VERY nice places!   I hope you get one that you can really enjoy.

  10. I forgot to say that I thought Blue looked so cute laying out in the sun! LOL! What a life, eh?
