Monday, March 17, 2008


That's our entire place as seen by Google Earth, from the road that goes in front of the house to the railroad track in back.  The biggest red roof is Cliff's shop.  The metal-colored roof is our barn, and our mobile home will be behind that.

We have to put the home at least 50 feet north of the property line.  Two fences will have to be torn down, at least temporarily, to get the home to that location where it says "Home sweet home".  Eventually we'll tear the barn down and build a pole barn elsewhere.


1.  Hook up to rural water ($2,000) and run the water lines (more expense)
2.  Put in a septic tank
3.  Have electricity installed at the new site
4.  Pour a concrete pad on which to put the house
5.  Obtain a building permit

All these together will probably end up costing more than the home itself will.  We have to put the mobile home north of the property line because that's where tract 2 starts.  We're not allowed to put anything on tract 1 unless we tear the house down.  Since the house and "tract 1" is what we're using for equity, it can't be torn down:  it belongs to the bank.  Tract 2 will be ours, free and clear.  Because it's vacant, we can build whatever we want there.  In one entry I said we could build a hog-house there and live in it if we so desired, and someone left a comment saying, "What's a hog-house?"

A hog-house is where pigs live.  It was my feeble attempt at humor.


  1. Nice hunk of property you have there!  Linda

  2. Way to go Mo and Cliff!!
    all the comforts of home and a dishwasher!!!!!!!!
    Hope you can enjoy for the rest of yer natural born days!!

  3. You are going to have a lot to do getting ready for your new home.  I suppose you'll have to put in some kind of driveway to the house too and some landscaping.  I hope you'll have plenty of help.  It will be a busy Spring for you.
    'On Ya' - ma

  4. Wish we were there.  We could help with the septic, running the water lines and the concrete pad.   We need more country terms thrown at us and then brings back memories!  We had a hog house once.

  5. It will all be worth it, when you are sitting in your air conditioning, hearing your dishwasher going ( I never had one either til we moved into this house) and sipping on some sweet tea and its a boiling 100 degrees outside but what do you care! ;)

  6. I know you will be on that phone today getting more prices on everything. Helen

  7. And.. in your county I believe you have to hire a special person to test your soil and design your septic system!  Planning and zoning keep a list of approved suppliers I think.  But at the end of it you will have a comfortable private home!

  8. wow! y'all are moving right along with things...I am happy for you :) I was thrilled when we moved into our new home and onto our 30 acres.

    I KNOW your going to love it! Ijust saw where you found your new home, going back to see that post.

  9. I was wondering what a hog house was too! lol I thought maybe it would have been a pig house but hey...that's to "to the point" so you think it's something more then that LOL   Have a great day today and praying for NO RAIN for ya!  At least till your house can be brought in.

  10. Trying to figure out what else a hog house possibly could mean???
    Perhaps a place to house all your harley's?  <lol>
    Wow....lots of work to be done $$$$....
    Good luck with it all.  Let's pray for each other!!!  I have a house to sell!

  11. It looks like a good plan!

