Friday, December 1, 2006

Winter Wonderland

The weather-guessers had been predicting we'd get from one inch to 2 feet of snow; how's that for allowing yourself a big margin for error?  I figured we'd get no snow at all, because we usually don't.  But we have five or six inches of white stuff out there.

Cliff said the ride home from work was horrible.  He gets off at midnight, and it was still snowing and blowing then; they couldn't see the road most of the time.  I didn't ask how long it took them to get home, but I imagine it was double the usual, at least.  I didn't wake up when he came in.

Another snow day for the girls.  I know they'll have plans to play outside, but I don't think they'll stay out long; it's just too bitter cold.



  1. We are getting the wind and rapidly dropping temps here but no snow in forecast.

  2. My goodness, snow in Missouri !  It was 66 degrees here in Connecticut yesterday; I was outside powerwashing a metal awning, preparing to spraypaint it, in summer clothes and my rubber sandals !  The temperature barely cooled down at all overnight .. it's still 60 degrees at 8 AM.   I always thought New England was one of the cooooooler places to live,  but since reading about temps around the country from journals .. I've learned differently.  Just amazing.  Well, sure the grandkids will enjoy their 'snowday' off from school.   Judy

  3. WOW! snow, if the sun is coming up then a lot of it should melt today huh.  Five or six inches would be a lot here. It's just windy and turning colder here It was supposed to storm but I haven't see any yet just some drizzle rain during the night. Helen

  4. Looks like a great day to stay indoors by a nice fire.  :-)


  5. I think we got about 9 inches down in Belton

  6. thought of you and family when watching the weather report....all is well here....we have some rain....but temps are in sixties but dropping fast....wonder what will happen later today????  hmmmm???  LOL...our kids hate it when it snows on the week end...wonder why????   happy day...hugs from KY...Ora

  7. Its very windy and blowing that snow our way,  they are saying bout the same here, we'll see tonight how much we get.  'On Ya' - ma

  8. I Think that is beautiful. I would love to see snow like that but i don't think i would like living in it for good. but it sure is pretty.
    Is that like a horsee jacket on on of your horses? Do you have to take extra precautions in protecting the horses from the snow? since i see it covers there back's you would think they would be freezing.

    Take care  :-)


  9. I was thinking of you.  We're just starting to get rain here.  Don't expect any snow or ice in NC except maybe the mountains.

  10. I think the snow is so pretty!  But, I wouldn't even begin to know how to drive in it!

  11. 15 inches here in Columbia :)

    It ain't going anywhere either because the temps are supposed to stay under or around freezing mark.

    What joy! LoL

  12. Wishing for snow, more than you know!  Nothing but rain and wind here.  
