Sunday, December 17, 2006

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Christmas cards must be mailed by Monday to arrive on time. Do you think you'll make the deadline?
I'm not sending cards this year.  Although at the last minute, I decided to do a brief Christmas letter for folks we don't see much, telling mainly about Cliff's heart surgery and our gratitude that he recovered so well.  I haven't sent them yet, and probably won't get them all sent tomorrow.

2. If you had to restrict all of your Christmas shopping to one single store, which one would you choose?  I'm not Christmas shopping this year.  But if I were, I'd probably choose Walmart or

3. If you had to restrict all of the shopping others did for your Christmas gifts to one store, which would you choose?  "The Family Center" at Harrisonville.  They have saddles, you know.  Actually, I am not expecting anyone to shop for me, since I'm not shopping for them.

4. Take the quiz: Which Jones Holiday Soda are you?
I think I'll pass on this quiz.

5. You're invited to a Christmas party and are required to bring a dessert. What would you create for the occasion?  Oreo dessert, what else?

6. How many Christmas parties have you been invited to this season? Only one, the party given by Cliff's employer.  How many have you attended so far?  Bah, humbug.  Er, uh... I mean none.

If you want to play along, be sure and leave a link to your entry at Patrick's Weekender.

1 comment:

  1. I went to 1 party and left early. I am decorating my new home, though, just for myself as I won't be here for Christmas. It's been so long since I had room to decorate and I like it. Might leave it up all thru January!
