Friday, December 8, 2006

Eating for health

I did an entry over at Blogger about my lack of Christmas spirit this year, and it got me thinking about how our eating habits have changed in the past year.

It started a year ago, our dieting.  We cut fat and calories drastically.

After Cliff's heart bypass in April, I made other changes, like banning trans-fats from our house and keeping cholesterol intake low.

Because we neither one have great will-power, the best way of not eating too much of the wrong things is to simply not have them around.

This means no fruitcake.  No Christmas brown-sugar fudge or sugar cookies.  No cheese ball.

It means baking stuff that tastes better fried, and trying not to think about what you can't have.

The rewards are here in plain sight, every time we get on the scale.  But I sure do miss eating anything I want, any time.  Especially at Christmas.


  1. Will power.....what's that? LOL

  2. Best thing is not have them around, I think then you won't be tempted. I try not to keep any sweets around for me except graham crackers but then Ken brings in sweets for himself which he doesn't need. I don't say anything because I might as well be talking to the wind LOL. I very seldom get anything of his. Have a good day in this cold weather Burrrr! Helen

  3. Oh gee ... I know what you're saying.  It's great, but it stinks at the same time.  Now I'm not kidding here:  do you have a recipe for Brown Sugar Fudge?  My Uncle Ebon used to make it for me every year, until the year he became ill and passed on.  I never did get the recipe, but would love to try to make it.

  4. I'm not feeling into the spirit this year either (to be expected, I suppose...what with moving during Christmas) but I've been replacing sugar with Splenda in alot of my recipes.  Every little bit helps for me....


  5. I went over to your new digs and tried to leave a comment. It didn't let me.  I liked your last entry.  I feel the same way.  Xmas can come and go and I'll be happy.  

  6. I'm a very bad eater and eat what I want.  Other than being 20 lbs overweight I'm ok, but should cut we get older things tend to stick with us longer. I give you rounds of applause for being such a good girl !  'On Ya' - ma

  7. Most of the time I try to eat healthy, every now and then I get a little crazy, go to Quick Check, buy a small bag of Lay's potato chips and eat them in my car.  I've had by-pass surgery too and try not to have the bad stuff around.  I love the big horse picture, you've actually got them smileing for the camera  Vicki

  8. Just visited your journal over at Blogger. I like it but couldn't comment. I feel a lot the same as you about christmas or any holiday. Its all gotten way out of hand. I just love everyday and I'm thankful for them. Paula

  9. Spleanda has a brown sugar blend. I am going to try that to make some pralines

  10. Just to let you know, I'm trying to start a blog over at Blogger too. Not having a lot of luck...don't even know how to leave comments are I would have left you one at your blog there. I still have to add lots of links Can't understand lots of it! GRRR

    Here's that link

  11. I think it is wonderful what you have done by eating right.  And hopefully it will help your health so that you live longer and feel better!!!
