Saturday, December 2, 2006


Cliff and I went shopping today; he simply had to have some new Carharts, since his last ones appeared to have been made by Omar the Tentmaker.  Cost a fortune, but Cliff spends too much time outside to not be protected from the elements.  Of course we also had to stop by Walmart.  It was pretty crowded, and this was our first time for using the automatic checkout.  It works!

Yesterday's sledding with the granddaughters was so much fun that I decided to set out on my own today and try a bigger slope.  It really was a thrill, but that walk back to the top was a killer.  I made, perhaps, a half-dozen trips, then I quit.  Although I did take Sadie for a slow walk in the woods afterwards.  She misses our daily walks, since we haven't been walking in the snow.

That last picture is so funny; I was in here surfing, stepped into the living room to ask Cliff something, and caught him asleep, with Sadie on his lap!  He may ask me to remove it when he sees it, so you'd better get a good look while you have the chance.

Yep, he wanted it to be deleted.  So it's gone.

Of course, if any special family members want to see the pictures, I don't think Cliff would mind my sending them in e-mail.


  1. keep the picture. It is heartwarming

  2. Your snow is beautiful. Did you order it special? Paula

  3. aurgh!  I missed the Cliff and Sadie picture?!  No fairrrrr...the one time I leave the house, I miss a cute picture!  


  4. Maybe, if I beg, maybe I can ask for a family favor?  Maybe you could email that pic to me?

  5. Look at all that snow!!!!!!!!! envious...just ice in Oregon and freezing cold...hope it comes this year....I need the world to look different..snow is great for that...

    Now, what is carharts?


  6. Those pictures are great. Sorry I missed seeing Cliff and Sadie sleeping. Something sure made weird tracks like it was dragging it's feet when it walked. Wonder what Sadie thought of all the white stuff and cold feet. Helen

  7. I used the automatic checkout in Walmart one time, but it was too traumatic. I now prefer to do it the hard way - - going to their stupid clerks (it gives me something to write about in my blog! LOL). Enjoyed the snow pictures with Sadie.         Jon

  8. You're right about being protected from the elements....gotta stay well.  I love to see fresh prints in fresh snow.  Reminds me of how "new" and "simple" things can be.  But, don't take this as an invitation to send me any thank you!

  9. I'm sorry I missed the picture before you had to delete it, but I did enjoy your other snow pictures.  Sadie looks like she is in heaven !  We got missed by the snow storm, but are supposed to get some later tonight and a little off and on all week.  Very cold !  Down in the 20's tonight !  I'd better dig up my boots !  'On Ya' - ma

  10. Doesn't Cliff know we're ALL family.....Seriously though I have one of C.Y. that I have been debating about putting in my journal........We do have to perserve thier dignity and honor thier wishes.  Would it hurt me to think people were laughing at my picture?....yes.

  11. Didn't finish my comment.....That first picture is absolutely great.  I could see it in National Geographic in an appropriate story........The composition....the color....just great!
