Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Year's Resolution #2 (no surprise here)

Cliff and I went back to our old, pig-out ways for two days.  My weight had already begun creeping up from a low of 147 a few weeks ago, as a result of evening snacking.  And alas, yesterday after the holiday feasting, I weighed 151.5.  (This morning, though, it's 149.  Whew!)

Cliff had gotten as low as 211, very briefly.  Yesterday he weighed 215.

It amazes me how we enable one another when it comes to over-eating.  It's as if I say to myself, "Oh, he's eating chips?  I should get some too!"

Anyway, we now have new motivation after being reminded how easily we slip, and I am aiming for 145.  Cliff is going for 200.  I usually do entries like this in my healthy-living journal, but because it's a resolution, I'm posting it here.


  1. I feel your pain - I stepped on the scale yesterday and almost shrieked! It's amazing how hard it was to take it off and how easily(and quickly!) it comes back. But I'm back on track this morning and as long as you don't let it get too out of hand, it's ok to indulge once in awhile

  2. It is amazing how fast the weight will come back on, but it takes so long to take off.  One would not think that 2 days would not make any difference.  From what I can tell weight maintenance is a lifetime process. But I do think you should be able to spluge once in a while, after all , it makes the other seem worthwhile.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. That weight can come back a lot quicker than we can loose it. Good for you getting back on track. Helen

  4. Recognizing what you have done....admitting it....and then moving on toward a positive attitude and motivation...is the best....many times we just keep going down our own path of distruction....God Bless you and Cliff .... stay healthy....I am selfish...want to read about you and your life...for a long time to come....Happy New Year from KY...Ora

  5. you will be okay. I am confident that the weight will come off again.

  6. I think everyone that enjoys food during the holidays puts on a bit of weight.  You guys will get it off in no time.  You have basically changed your eating habits all the way around, and so going back to that way shouldn't be hard at all.  At least you didn't deprive yourselves during the holidays! :)


  7. I wanted to thank you for your visit to my journal via Russ :)  I can be a voracious writer or a scarce one, depending on my mind frame, thank you again. About the weight thingy (wincing) don't even get me going on that about myself LOL.  Oh, added your link to my journal also :)

  8. With all of the activities at your house, and your new healthy eating habits, you will lose that weight in no time.

  9. It is ok to over eat at Christmas!  You two can do it I know you can lose the weight if you think you need to.  I think yall are just fine though. Barbara

  10. I am aiming for 150...so that means 30lbs..lol...two years to gain..at least six months to loose...I cant wait to be able to feel like I can walk again.lol....It sure happens fast...hate that..~raven
