Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Because I know my healthy-living journal doesn't get a lot of traffic (nothing is more boring to read about than diets and weight loss), I'm going to mention sparkpeople here.

I first read about it on a message board; if I knew who had mentioned it there, I'd thank them personally.

Best of all, you can sign up for free.

Perhaps you aren't interested in calorie-counting, but you can also track nutrients and sodium on the site, and find out if you're getting enough vitamins on a daily basis.  I especially appreciate knowing about sodium, because I try to limit ours.  Except on Subway's "Hooray for Tuesdays", when we have those subs twice in a day:  way over 4,000 grams of sodium, on Tuesdays!  I try to keep us under 2,000 a day the rest of the time, and usually succeed.

You can enter your own recipes, ingredient by ingredient, and their calculator will figure the calories, nutrients, and so forth for you.  Then you can save that info for future entries into your food diary.

It helps you keep track of your water intake, too.

Plus there are lots of exercises, and an exercise diary.

OK, that's it for my commercial for sparkpeople.

Try it; you'll like it.


  1. I  check on your "healthy living journal" from time to time and have been very impressed with the both of you.

  2. I use your healthy-living journal for inspiration and information.  I don't know why I don't leave comments there....I guess I'm just taking and not giving....sorry.

  3. I went to sparkpeople and signed up!  Thanks for the link.  Blessings, Penny

  4. Mosie, is how I lost 22 lbs since July.  I heard about it at David's 4th of July party.  I live by it.  The program itself is foolproof, plus all of the tools available are valuable.  Especially the message boards.  I belong to a forum and these gals are as precious to me as was my CT chat room.  If there is anybody who is hesitating about looking into Sparkpeople, let me send you the like.  I can earn points  :o)

    Go for it.  Look what you have to lose.

    GBU all

