Friday, December 29, 2006

a bonfire at the cabin

The temperature neared 60 by 2 o'clock, and Natalie reminded me of my promise to have a wienie roast at the cabin, if there was a warm-enough day during Christmas vacation.  So we loaded up the little red wagon with hot dogs, marshmallows, and other necessary items, put the halti on Sadie, and headed off.

It was a nice, relaxing time, and the only reason we came back at 5 was that it was getting dark.  And the girls' parents were liable to pick them up at any time.

It really is fun to play with fire, and there's just something about the popping and crackling, and the smell of smoke, that calms the soul.


  1. That sounds like sooo much fun! If I was physically able & the car would run good enough I'd head over for the next one! :)
    Nice pics.
    Hugs, Sugar

  2. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Those girls will never forget doing that. I used to love toasted marshmellows on our campfire when we had a camper. Others joined us and loved it also. Helen

  3. looks like a fun day!!!!

  4. Ahh Donna, I think I led my past life somewhere in yours.  The granddaughters are so fortunate to have you.  What's Cliff doing while your doing this  Have fun  Vicki

  5. The hot sticks are especially fun at night!  Take them out and twirl them around fast and the glowing end looks like a ribbon of fire!  Sitting by a camp fire is just good for the soul.  -  Barbara

  6. Wow!  It must be warm in MO right now, as the girls look like they live in California! lol  Dressed for spring, not winter!
    These are moments they are always going to remember with you, Donna!  Weinie roasts and railway hikes, and all the other fun things you do with them!

    Loved the pics!


  7. that brought back some great memories for me.... lucky girls now will have that to remember too and no doubt pass it on.... Sandra

  8. I think playing with fire is fun. When we lived on the ranch we had to burn our paper in a barrel. I always enjoyed that chore. Nice you live so close to your grandkids and can enjoy so many things with them. Paula

  9. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.  They will remember this forever.  

  10. I have such good memories of playing with campfires from when I was a girl.  Your granddaughters will think back on this time with great memories!

  11. I think you have added "smellamail" to your post. I can smell the wood and the hot dogs now. I hope they were Nathans.  Gosh, I think I'll pick some up for New Years.    Anne

  12. Man, Monica is growing....she is getting that "teen" look.  So glad you're not one of those fuddy-duddy grandmothers that thinks playing with fire is dangerous.  I'll say it again...LUCKY GIRLS!
