Monday, September 11, 2006

My moment of silence is over

Well, almost everything that could have gone wrong with the 2,996 Project did.  The man who initiated it all had his computer crash, three days ago, with all the programs he needed to orchastrate the Project.  Then he got sick.

And today, his server bandwidth got too much traffic and they kicked him off.

Well, it was a valiant effort, and I salute him.  I'm personally glad I took part, and got to know one individual lost at the WTC, just a little bit.

I have to tell you, when the towers were burning and crumbling and the victims were perishing five years ago, I didn't watch.  I just couldn't.

This year, I finally watched some of the footage, and it was still difficult, even this far removed.

It would be one thing to realize your loved one had died unexpectedly... but how would it feel knowing he died scared and suffering, unable to breathe, perhaps crushed or burning?

I have plenty of things to enter in my journal, but right now I'm just catching my breath from the horror I've seen in the past twenty-four hours, watching films of things I couldn't bear to watch five years ago.


  1. I watched for weeks, which stretched  into months.  I will always remember Sept. 11th.  It is the day of my youngest sons birth and we celebrate this day. I think of all the people who have birthdays and anniversaries on this day and it is not ever pleasant for them. I visited New York within a few months of 9/11 and saw the memorials still being put up. Our tour guide broke down and sobbed when talking about what happened that day. My son visited N.Y while it was still smoldering and the smell in the air was unlike anything he had ever smelled.  No, I will never forget, but I remember everyday, not just today.    Anne

  2. We will always remember and shudder with the horrors that we saw that day!

  3. It is good to be reminded of what we could loose if another terrorist strike happened and that there are some wonderful heros in our world.  But I'm with you I cannot bear to watch the terrible events as they happened.  I just thank God we've been spared any more.  I turned off the TV today...didn't watch the news.
    'On Ya' - ma

  4. I watched it then.. in total disbelief.. it all seemed surreal, somehow.  Sometimes, even today, it feels that way.  But, I know it's not.  It's very real.. and it breaks my heart...still...


  5. (((hugs)))....
    This whole thing is just too hard to accept, how humans can do this to one another.  It's soooo against God's plan.
    I've missed you.  
    I'm baaaack!  Thru with classes til January so I'll be visiting more often and seeing what you guys are up to.  

  6. I did my 9/11 trilogy & honor of my 2,996 victim over the I didn't post & probably won't tomorrow either. Spending this time to reflect & pray for all those fallen...their families...the survivors...& America.

  7. Seems like we all have had to put some distance in our lives to be able to watch those news reels....
    Hope you and Cliff are well Mosie..Take care,
    love ya,

  8. I know, It Hurts.


  9. September 11 was one of the few times I saw the human side of my former boss.  We spent several very tense hours in the office before he left to retrieve his daughter at her day school.  Because of my close proximity to the Pentagon and Dulles Airport, I chose to stay in the office until nearly 3:00.  Since Wall Street was at a stand still I didn't work for the rest of the week.  I read and watched it all unfolding, time after time, on TV.  I'll never forget those days.

    God bless us all.

  10. I could not watch it again
    Just thinking of it makes me cry.
