Friday, September 29, 2006

The hay is in the barn.

Cliff baling hay

Well, our hay turned out to be of excellent quality, despite the extra time it had to lay in the field.  For those of you who never saw a hay-baler at work, if you have high-speed Internet, here's a movie of Cliff baling.

And this time, it was only me and Cliff doing the work; actually, mostly Cliff, because I simply drove the tractor.  It's a good thing he's been working out.


  1. that was interesting, I've never seen that done before. Sandra

  2. I "LOVED" the video.  I could almost smell it.  Can you describe that fresh cut green smell?  Or has it dried so that it has that dry smell?  Dry hay smells always remind me of tiny little kittens.  Guess why!

  3. Yep...I know Cliff got another good workout...loading all those bales.  Now you've worked together and you are tired together.  Hoorah for "TOGETHER."

  4. Yay! Hay!  I love the video.  Those bales just keep spitting out don't they ?  Somebody, maybe your horse will enjoy that this winter I'm sure.  Glad you got it in before more rain comes !  Pretty soon the quiet days of winter will be here and there won't be so much farm work to be done.  'On Ya' -ma

  5. I am embarrassed to say that I never knew how hay was baled!  That was very interesting!  Thanks, Mosie!  You learn something new everyday!


  6. You did good making the movie. Now if Cliff had just taken a movie when you were driving that tractor. Glad you got the hay up before another rain came along. Helen

  7. thank goodness for "modern inventions"...know it is hard work but will be worth it all for the animals....who picked it up and put it in the barn???  glad all turned out so well...hugs...Ora

  8. That is amazing. What an invention. How did they do all that before machinery?

  9. Do you realize that this is the frst time I have ever seen hay baled? Thank you Mosie!!
    I hope Lona is doing ok, have you heard anymore??? What was wrong with her colon? I am sill praying for her..
    love ya,

  10. I love baling the hay. I always drove the tractor.

  11. As you know with my out dated computer set-up I couldn't view it but you also know I have seen it in person. lol Nice that you could show those who haven't seen it. Paula

  12. Wow.  This takes me back.  I'm probably going to dream about walking next to the wagon hoisting bails onto it while praying I don't surprise a snake or nest of bees.  Zzzzzzzz


  13. I just love that video thingy....puts me back on the farm.

    Good job you guys.
