Friday, September 29, 2006

Hay there...

Cliff did rake the alfalfa Wednesday, and it did rain about 1/10 of an inch Wednesday night, preventing us from baling it yesterday.  The hay, at this point, can probably be salvaged.  He plans to rake it again so that the wet part on the bottom will be on top and have a chance to dry.  Once dry, it can be baled.

As always, his problem is that he has a job, and leaves here at 2:30 PM.  This is usually about the time of day that hay is ready to bale.  We found out he does have a couple more days he can take off without notice, at work.  So he has that option if he must, although he hates to leave them stranded at end-of-month, their busiest time.

We are strongly considering riding the motorcycle to the Branson area this weekend, but haven't decided 100% on this. 

My friend Lona, who I mentioned in a previous entry, still needs all the prayers she can get.  She had a portion of her colon removed; also, her only kidney is not doing its job as it should.


  1. Thanks for the update.  I will be praying for Lona.

  2. It is raining here this morning. A very gray day!!! Hope the sunshines on that alfalfa!!! I'll continue to pray for your friend.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. Hope Cliff can get his hay up before it ruins. Prayers going up for Lola. Let us know how she does. Helen

  4. I hope he gets the hay taken care of before it's ruined.  Prayers for your friend.

  5. Came by to say hello & hope you have a nice weekend. Branson on a motorcycle! WOO HOO :)
    Also wanted you to know I'm praying for your friend Lona.
    Hugs, Sugar

  6. I have been praying for Lona. She is a nice lady.
    Hope the hay is good. I know it can be frusterating to not be able to get it bales when you want. Everyday on the ground is a decrease in quaility.

  7. I am glad your friend is doing better. Good luck with the baling! My prayers are with you and all those that are in the same dilemma.


  8. Sorry about the rain,,,what a bummer,,,,all that work,,,,Will pray for your friend tonight.

