Thursday, September 7, 2006

Best-laid plans oft go astray

In August, Cliff and I started planning this weekend that's coming up.  He'd take a vacation day Friday (tomorrow) and we'd go to the Harley-Davidson open house.  Then on Saturday, we'd go to Boonville to their yearly tractor show.  This year they feature our favorite old tractors, Allis Chalmers.  When Allis Chalmers tractors gather in great numbers, such an event is called "The Gathering of the Orange".

My daughter told me at the start of school that Grandparents' Day once again conflicted with Harley open house.  Well, the girls won't be having too many more Grandparents' days, so of course we're going, especially since we missed it last year.  We're to be at school, I believe, at 12:30.

So we decided to spend most of Saturday at the Harley open house.  We'd made our decisions, given up the tractor show, and were content. 

Message board friends at the other side of the state made plans to attend the Harley function, and we were going to arrange to meet face to face.

A few days ago, Cliff told me his mom's family reunion would be in two weeks, and he'd told his brother we'd go.  That sounded fine to me.  Until earlier this week when I realized that was our Harley day!

Well, Cliff said, at least we can make a quick stop at Boonville on the way to the family fish fry at Lake of the Ozarks.  We might even ride the motorcycle. 

I tried to hide my keen disappointment at not being able to meet my message board friends, who are coming on Saturday.

Today Cliff figured out a way to have our cake and eat it too.  He's taking a vacation day tomorrow.  I won't have the granddaughters before and after school because their mom is taking off work to be home with their dad, just home from the hospital. 

Here's the plan:

We hit the road early in the morning and head to Platte City to the Harley-Davidson plant.  The gates open at 9 AM, but we'll try to get there and get in line earlier.  At 11 or so, we'll head back home and get to the school for Grandparents' day.  That done, we'll take the motorcycle down to Boonville, make a quick tour of the tractor show, and head back home.  Saturday morning we'll go to the reunion; if there's no threat of rain, we'll take the motorcycle and ride along with Cliff's sister and her husband.

Gee, I'm tired just writing this.  It covers everything we wanted to do, except one thing:  we won't get to meet ole Vern and Hollie, because they're going to be at the Harley-Davidson plant on Saturday, and we'll be there Friday.


  1. I don't know why you don't have TIRED blood!.....Enjoy ALL you can.  Wish I could be there for at least half of it.  

  2. wow !!!  that will beo ne packed full day!

  3. Whoa, You are going to be one busy woman! But isn't it wonderful to have all those opportunities. You guys are Great parents and grandparents.

    I spent some time going thru your journal enteries last night. You are such a lovely person.

    Take care and have a super wonderful time.

  4. Aren't making plans like that exciting though?  I sure hope it doesn't rain and you are able to ride the motorcyle!


  5. Now we'll just be calling you all the TRAVELING TWOSOME !  You certainly have been on the go!!  Enjoy it all !!! Not everyone gets to have their cake and eat it too !  The granddaughters will be so proud to have you there.  'On Ya' - ma

  6. You are having so much fun!  I'm so jealous! LOL!  Hope the weather is good and you can ride the motorcycle!

  7. Good grief!  I'm tired already from just reading your plans.  But I just know you'll enjoy not missing out on anything.  Crazy how life goes on with little or no events and then Wham!, a whole peck of plans.  Go and have fun.  There's plenty of time for R and R on Sunday.  Looking forward to your entry about it all.  Joyce
