Thursday, September 14, 2006

about my previous post

My fit of anger had to do with gates being left un-fastened, and barn doors being left open.  If horses get out and cause a wreck, Cliff and I are responsible for damage.  If a horse gets into the barn and into the grain, it might founder, and two of the horses here are not mine.

I think I've gotten my point across to the whole neighborhood.  We'll see.


  1. I would be upset too!  It's ok are human too!  And this had to do with something very important!  Hugs to you, Barbara

  2. My worse pet peeve!!!. When I had my horse I went postal on a person that left the gate open.  I lost my first horse in just this way. Hit by a car with a broken leg is not a happy ending.  Luckily no one sued and no people were hurt. Ever since I have a phobia about gates. I will check them and recheck them like 10 times.  You were soooo in the right to go postal!!!

  3. You needed to go postal! A horse out is so much worse than a dog. I think this is something that only another horse owner would really understand.

  4. You had every right to be angry! To a horse person (or any animal person actually) an open gate, or an unlocked gate that should be locked, or an open door alowing the animal someplace it shouldn't be is a MAJOR thing! Bad things can happen in just a moment of inattention!

  5. Whats right is right and if you can't play by the rules GET OUT OF THE GAME.  Hope the gate attendants will be more responsible from now on.

  6. Well Mosie....if you don't speak up for what is rightly yours and Cliff responsibility and property...then who will????  after didn't get where you are and have what you do by sluffing off your responsibilities....if toes are stepped on ... that is there problem....they should respect....or keep out....go for it girl...ya dun rite!!!!  hugs to ya...Ora

  7. I don't blame you for getting angry. The ones responsible does not have to do the work or pay the price. Hope it doesn't happen again. Helen

  8. You gotta do..what you gotta do!  :)   I hope you got your point across too!


  9. I always say the number one rule of the country is--If you find the gate open, leave it open. If you find the gate closed, leave it closed. Paula
