Monday, September 4, 2006

If you don't care for antique tractors, feel free to ignore this entry

The Old Thresher's Reunion, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is all about tractors, but there's much more.  I'll break this subject up into several entries.

This reunion has been going on for more than fifty years now.  I've been there three times: I love the sounds of popping old John Deere tractors and hit-and-miss engines; the smells of wood smoke as the steam engines get ready for another day of showing off; the tastes of home-cooked meals provided by various Churches; and the people so friendly that everybody speaks to you, even if you aren't looking them in the eye. 

I got some video footage there, too, but I realize you folks on dialup probably can't watch the video.  So I also took plenty of photos.


  1. These are so cool! I'd have loved to have seen these.

  2. Its so nice that you and Cliff like the same things. I know some women who wouldn't give things like this the time of day. lol I like the Greyhound. I love anything old. paula

  3. I absolutely loved the pictures especially the story about the "G".  I once had a refrigerator that was an "International Harvester".  I didn't know that International Harvester made anything other than tractors and later International made trucks.  Isn't history wonderfully full of surprises.
