Monday, September 4, 2006

about the Hispanic "Indian"

The man I spoke of who was playing the flute was dressed like a native-American.  That's the only way in which he was pretending to be an Indian.  Cliff and I had lots of fun with this because we'd been at another part of the grounds where several people were selling arrowheads and Indian beadwork, and I remarked to Cliff, "If I'm going to buy something like that, I'll buy it from that real Indian we saw."

Cliff said, "Call that 'real Indian' Senor, and I'll bet he answers you."

So, when I bought the shirt in the above picture, I found out Cliff was right; the man and his helper spoke with a Spanish accent.  I wasn't angry about it, it's just something Cliff and I had fun with later.


  1. Well you are still having fun these days, I see.

  2. Senorita, be careful those "natives" don't scalp ya! rich

  3. You can never judge a book by its cover.  We have had lots of fun through the years picking out products with containers designed and colored to look like name brands.  There are quite a few, you know.  Almost nothing is as it seems.  That is why it is so refreshing to know of a person that IS WHO SHE SAYS SHE IS.

  4. anyway I like your t shirt.... and what a great story you have to tell now too... :>)  Sandra

  5. That's a very good pic of you!  I like the shirt, too.  Glad you guys had fun!

  6. Well, they are part Indian.. so it works! :)

